Monday, October 22, 2007

Using Truth to create a new paradigm for all

“An inauthentic culture cannot survive an awakening of consciousness.” -- David Korten, When Corporations Rule the World, p. 331

“Prophecies of doom are heard today with increasing frequency. While they have the important function of drawing attention to the dangerous possibilities in our present situation they fail to take into account the promise which is implied in man’s achievement in the natural sciences, in psychology, in medicine and in art. Indeed, these achievements portray the presence of strong productive forces which are not compatible with the picture of a decaying culture. Our period is a period of transition. The Middle Ages did not end in the fifteenth century, and the modern era did not begin immediately afterward. End and beginning imply a process which has lasted over four hundred years – a very short time indeed if we measure it in historical terms and not in terms of our life span. Our period is an end and a beginning, pregnant with possibilities.” -- Erich Fromm, Man for Himself, p. 250

Shortly before I quit posting on 911Truth message boards I foisted a poll on one asking if Truthers would be willing to exchange Truth for amnesty. The results showed an even divide between those willing to make such a trade and those bent on revenge. Of course the latter were the more vocal and attempted to shout down my primary argument, that 911 wasn’t an aberration, that it went down exactly as it did because we are exactly as we are, that the conspiracy spanned decades, and that it was but one of a long line of false flag events dotting history. Ultimately history will prove that the false flag psy op that was 911 was but a symptom of a structural weakness in our society, that of the individual suppressing his will to honor that of an authority. It matters not what the authoritative institution may be. It could be the government, a branch of organized religion, establishment history, or establishment science. With all of these authoritative institutions the individual is expected to deny his awareness of certain Truths and embrace certain falsehoods if he is to be embraced by the system. To do otherwise is to be rejected by the system.

While all of these authoritative institutions embody glaring contradictions and falsehoods, the most blatant fraud ever perpetrated against man to date is the Official Government Conspiracy Theory on 911. For example, one of hundreds, the official take on why Building Seven fell is beyond laughable.

Therefore 911 can be treated as the current combustion chamber of the machine that devours men’s souls to produce perceived wealth and perceived power. To blow open the myth that is the OGCT911 is to dump sugar into the gas tank of that machine. To do this we need insiders to come forward with the Truth. We need them to come forward now and we need them to come forward en masse.

This can happen only if the 911TM begins an orchestrated effort to establish the frameworks of nationwide Truth and Reconciliation Committees and Panels whereby Truth will be exchanged for amnesty. There will be no criminal prosecution of those insiders who come forward and disclose the entire Truth as they know it.

The Truth will end all wars and will forever change the way we treat each other. Those that seek simply criminal prosecution of the conspirators and then a return to supposed normal life afterwards are myopic and fail to see the meaning of 911.

911TM leaders should openly and in an organized fashion express desire to see not another investigation, but the establishment of a means by which insiders can unload without facing repercussions. Those insiders were as much victims of the abovementioned machine as were the people who died in the towers. Until we realize this, those insiders will resist rolling over on their pals and we stand to see only the acceleration of the machine that brought us 911.

Trade Truth for amnesty now!

Monday, October 15, 2007

To evolve is to decide to evolve

“People who experience an abundance of love in their lives rarely seek solace in compulsive, exclusionary personal acquisition. For the emotionally deprived, no extreme of materialistic indulgence can ever be enough, and the material world becomes insufficient to our wants. A world starved of love becomes one of material scarcity. In contrast, a world of love is also one of material abundance. When we are spiritually whole and experience the caring support of community, thrift is a natural part of a full and disciplined life. That which is sufficient to one’s needs brings a fulfilling sense of nature’s abundance.

”The implications are profound. Our seemingly insatiable quest for money and material consumption is in fact a quest to fill a void in our lives created by a lack of love.” -- David Korten, “When Corporations Rule the World,” page 237

”Inasmuch as social and parental authority tend to break his will, spontaneity, and independence, the child, not being born to be broken, fights against the authority represented by his parents; he fights for his freedom not only from pressure, but also for his freedom to be himself, a full-fledged human being, not an automaton. … The scars left from the child’s defeat in the fight against irrational authority are to be found at the bottom of every neurosis.” -- Erich Fromm, “Man for Himself,” p. 161

”Mankind will look back on these centuries as the truly dark ages of instinctual man: When men killed each other for illusory gain based upon the idea that it is possible to gain anything in a world in which we have no permanent home.” --- The Greatly Honored Brother P-Achad-O (as quoted in Allen H. Greenfield’s “Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts”)

It seems now almost every progressive moment is forecasting a major paradigm shift that will free man from his shackles and will usher in a new era, the era of universal man, the era of man who lives in harmony with the Earth and the cosmos, the era of man who shuns his instincts and superficial desires to live according to his will.

The Environmental Movement calls for it. It declares that the Earth is dying and that we are living through a manmade mass-extinction event. It declares that as the Earth ecosystem dies and as mankind continues to shape the face of the Earth by cutting down trees, paving over everything, depleting and otherwise destroying the topsoil and pumping the atmosphere full of carbon gases, the climate will change making life on the surface of Earth more difficult if not impossible.

The paradigm shift the Environmentalists are calling for will be represented by a birth in awareness that our current way of life is not only unsustainable, but is incredibly destructive on so many levels. In the new paradigm as ushered in by Environmentalists mankind will realize that it is at least in part of the Earth, not apart from it. In the new paradigm the man verses nature subplot in survival will be abandoned and replaced by a vision adopted by the masses of solidarity with the planet, our home.

The Peacenik Movement now must merge with the Anti-Globalist Movement being that it is becoming increasingly apparent that it is enormous corporations that are both behind and conducting the spreading war, whose nexus is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The new paradigm as ushered in by the Peacenik Movement will embrace the reality that war is nothing but an economic flywheel by which a debtor government destroys its creditors, largely its citizenry. The new paradigm as ushered in by the Peacenik Movement will embrace the reality that war only benefits the elites while destroying the working class and poor. The new paradigm will embrace the reality that governments exist solely to arbitrate the war as enacted by the haves against the have-nots. Ergo, when we do away with material possessions, we will do away with the war between the haves and the have-nots, a war which manifests itself in many ways.

The new paradigm as ushered in by the UFO-buffs will be one that embraces and enacts the use of telepathy and teleportation as it is a function of the freed mind. In this new paradigm man will make use of an infinite supply of totally free energy that comprises the ambient air and ether. In this new paradigm man will be a universal being living in a universal community in harmony with its denizens.

The new paradigm ushered in by the 911 Truth Movement will be one that embraces the unfettered access of Truth to the marketplace of ideas. It will be one of worldwide democracy of man being that that is the natural offshoot of Truth reaching and percolating through the marketplace of ideas. For far too long man has been ruled by use of secrecy and deception by the elites. In the new paradigm universal acceptance and embrace of the Truth will determine the course of events and the trajectory along which mankind marches, not awkward lies and comfortable illusions that pander to mankind’s fear and unnatural inclination towards laziness.

The question arises of when we can expect this sort of paradigm shift and what form it will take. Some think that the shifting of the poles will affect the Earth’s electromagnetic field and this will change how we perceive the world.

I think the shift is underway. And I think that the form it will take will be the absolute failure of every institution to which we are now subservient. Those institutions will fall like dominoes, and soon.

First to fall will likely be the world Money Cult economy, built on blind faith in alchemic finance and valueless money-data. This is underway and is moving at a nice clip.

When the Money Cult economy fails, the government will fail.

But most importantly is the next domino. Organized religion will be the next to fail the brotherhood of man. People expecting the apocalypse or rapture to rise from the chaos of the absurd war in the Mideast as such has been prophesized in the bible are going to be let down when this does not occur, when they find out that elites have been scripting world events to take on the appearance of occurring in accords with the prophecies of the Bible with the intent of marginalizing billions of Christians, Jews and Moslems.

The failures of these institutions can be likened to a near-death experience. The pain will be thorough. But it will have a transformative aspect and those that survive will be blessed with a new awareness, the awareness of the new paradigm, an awareness that can be likened to that picked up by someone who experiences death and comes back to see the world differently. When we, as a family, experience this, we will be permanently changed and there will be no going back to the way we are now.

Because that is what happens when we learn some things the hard way. That’s what happens when we learn the hard way that the Environmentalists were right. That’s what happens when we learn the hard way that the 911 Truthers were right. That’s what happens when we learn the hard way that the Peaceniks and Anti-Globalists were right. That’s what happens when we learn the hard way that the UFO-buffs were right.

What happens is we either get wiped out, or we evolve. And to evolve is to choose to evolve. Make that choice today.

Let’s close by looking at a couple more quotes on this subject.

Peace; be --GH

”Eighty five percent of the souls upon this plane have lived on Maldek and this is the Luciferian consciousness that is being worked off as part of Earth’s karma. This entire money-changing trip is but a replay of the memory of the action that occurred on Maldek wherein beings were categorized, numbered and enslaved.” -- Commander X, “Underground Alien Bases,” p. 10, 11

”All things move into and out of Manifestation in the three dimensions. Where does form come from? Mind built it and will change it according to the need for change. The object lost to three dimensions still holds to form on another plane. To know this and know that we know it, is to escape much sorrow when forms – of cherished things, beloved persons – vanish from the world of our sense of perceptions.” -- Commander X, “Underground Alien Bases,” p. 15

“The irrational fear of death results from the failure of having lived. … To die is poignantly bitter, but the idea of having to die without having lived is unbearable.” -- Erich Fromm, “Man for Himself,” p. 166

Monday, October 8, 2007


The New World Order is alive and well and it is misleading to present it as being something that will come about in the near future.

Try to imagine a recent instance where a government stood in the face of the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, NATO or the UN and emerged victorious.

When the likes of Gary Hart take the podium and declare the desire to see widespread proclamation and acceptance of the NWO what you are seeing is the manifestation of some sort of superiority complex. Such declarations could be likened to an American diplomat or politico declaring a desire to see widespread overt acceptance of American empire.

In many collegiate political science and history courses students are not taught to see America as an empire and whether or not America is an empire is said to be the subject of debate. In reality there is no debate and the folks in power know well that America is an empire.

I guess this is to say that America is a de facto empire. And the alliance of interests running the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO, NATO and the UN is the de facto NWO.

While some at the helm of the NWO won’t be happy until the masses bow down in unison at their feet, the truth is that the masses are now effectively doing exactly that.

Open for discussion is how the NWO will evolve.

Certainly some folks within the NWO hope it becomes an overt totalitarian autocracy. But since what we’re seeing is single-party rule, that party being the alliance of big bankers, Black Nobility, the Vatican and big business, chances are high that the current form of government at the helm of the NWO will self-destruct without a way of counterbalancing internal corruption. After that we stand a good chance of seeing a one-world government system of the people, by the people, and for the people. One should work for this outcome!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Re: Hypocricy Rules the West, by Paul Craig Roberts

This post is in response to this essay by Paul Craig Roberts:

Mr. Roberts,

I swear I never thought I would catch myself saying this to an upper level member of the Reagan administration, but, my brother, I salute you.

While your latest essay makes some tenable points about the state of the peacenik movement here, I would like to counter the overall tone. We are winning! The 911T Movement has prevented another domestic false flag psy op through mass dissemination of the Truth. The peace movement has limited the PNAC agenda to its disastrous plans for Iraq and Afghanistan. Remember, we aren’t in Iran just yet.

Take heart, with the economic shocks that await in the immediate future and with 80 percent of the 18- to 24-year-old demographic aware of the fact that the OGCT on 911 is bogus, you will soon have the energy and heads necessary for a revolution. So in my opinion it is wholly important that we offer solutions and not turn on ourselves for our shortcomings or petty differences.

The bottom line is that the elites dread the prospects of a global enlightened democracy, which nears reality with each advancement of the Internet. We no longer need representatives, senators or presidents. We can represent ourselves and vote for every issue, every day, online. That’s the future. Envision it. It’s a beautiful thing. And it’s the real reason for the Armageddon-invoking wars, the rise of the police state, and the lockdown on the information marketplace: The threat of democratization at a time of dramatically dwindling resources.

What nobody is saying is that the NWO is already in place. Governments are dead. We’re now ruled by a plutocratic oligarchy of corporations and investment banks. And that government is in decline. Up next is a one-world government system of rule of the people, by the people and for the people. This will be paralleled by the necessary evolutionary steps in spirituality and thus humanity. We’re on the doorstep, brother!

But we’ve got to rally now! I urge you to 1) declare yourself to be a soldier (a general) in an information war and to lay down fire on the real enemy henceforth. Strike at the jugular every time. No more blaming peaceniks for the failures of the peace movement when evidence mounts that every popular uprising in the last century has been fully infiltrated to its topmost operational tiers and steered along a trajectory that suits the elites. This is the case for every group from the Weather Underground, to AIM, to the Black Panther Party to, yes, al Queda. The peace movement will fail because it is being held down internally by intelligence agency moles. Declare as much in your writing! 2) Offer solutions. We have at our disposal more information than the kings of yore had when governing. We have space age technology that we use as toys or for entertainment. To sum, we have nothing more or nothing less than exactly what we need. We know what its going to take for the species to not only survive but to take that next step, pure enlightened democracy on a global scale.

That said, lead the way, brother. The righteous will follow and we bring not only the light, but the thunder that strikes fear in the hearts of the wretched and corrupt.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mind war to intensify as economy declines

The war for your mind will gain in intensity as America is subjected to some mild economic shocks between now and January.

Because the third and fourth quarters are when laundered drug money moves through the markets and Wall Street, overall stability in the form of predictable economic decline, will be the norm. After the holidays, things will get shaky.

At that point the war for your mind will reach new heights. The overall transfer of wealth to the moneyed elites will move from targeting the already exhausted poor and working classes to the employing classes and they aren’t likely to take it so well. Ergo expect to see a massive campaign to convince you to blame the victim, to convince you that we don’t need certain rights because they only end up abused by terrorist sympathizers, and to convince you that authoritarian rule is the only way to ensure social and economic stability. Of course this is only true if you personally decide it is true, if you cave to and embrace their world-views.

Ultimately for the moneyed elites to prevail in their mind war they will have to silence the voice of the voiceless, now thriving on the internet, which really has become a stumbling block for the globalists. Because of the internet not only is underground news media thriving, but everybody is now removed or separated from everybody else in the world by, at most, three or four degrees. Used to be seven degrees of separation between you and, say, a starving mother in Iraq. Now, thanks in part to the internet, you could well have chatted anonymously online with the man who dropped the bomb on the house she was sleeping in with her kids.

As you can see, those seeking a New World Order wherein the world is a corporate fiefdom run by a handful of ruthless nobles and world bankers are facing a momentous challenge. When the internet is put to its purest function absolute democracy will be possible, truth will thrive in the marketplace of ideas, and equality will become the norm. With a little luck and some work, the internet could invoke a one world government system of the people, by the people and for the people. Certainly this is a nightmare for those who’ve benefited from systems designed to spur inequality and strife.

Expect them to react with overkill in an attempt to secure undeniable victory in the mind war.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Green Greys and threats both real and perceived

“The name of the (angel) is Gadrel, he discovered the every stroke of death to the children of man. He seduced Eve; and discovered to the children of men the instruments of death, the coat of mail, the shield, and the sword for slaughter; every instrument of death to the children of men.” -- I Enoch, 68: 6,7

Greys show their metaphorical hands to abductees regularly, according to numerous sources.

Project Camelot would have us believe that the Greys are running a reeducation boot camp in space wherein abductees are basically instilled with fear of a polluted world.

They are shown that Earth is dying.

What’s important to this writer is what they are not shown.

Gross, systematic and widespread environmental decline is but a head of the hydra. There are many more: Probable accidental global nuclear holocaust, false flag black psy ops, war in general, poverty and general inequity, peak oil, peak topsoil, on and on.

Certainly we can all take up swords and start lopping off heads one by one but wouldn’t it be much more fruitful to strike at the heart of the beast?

It would be if you were concerned with the fate of the human species. If you wanted to see mankind evolve to the next psychic or spiritual plane then you might prod him to stop fighting hydra heads and help him land a death blow to the real monster: Deception on behalf of the most powerful institutions. Deception in the form of proliferation of lies, half truths and misinformation. Deception in the form of secrecy. Deception as an crucial part of mass mind control.

Now if you were an alien and you wanted to help out an up and coming species of hominoids by revealing to them the extent to which they’ve been deceived what would you reveal to your abductees, taken in the night in their sleep? Would you reveal to them the Truth about 9/11? How about the Truth about the most prominent assassinations of the 1960s and 1970s, from the Kennedys to King to Fred Hampton to Malik El Shabazz. These lessons would be mind altering. They would shift paradigms.

Instead the Greys program their abductees to fret over the environment.

One might conclude that the Greys really are showing their hand here. They are not at all concerned about the fate of mankind. No, instead they simply have their eyes on the prize. They want Earth! And they’re worried that as we wipe ourselves out we’re going to take the planet with us.

Dan Burisch clearly would like to be the guy that inspires legions of UFO buffs to rewrite their ideas of what they Greys are and why the are here, on and on. But his accounts are filled with contradictions. Take for example his take on 9/11. His view of the meaning of 9/11 was supposedly shaped by a brief glance at what he describes to be an alien crystal ball. But the meaning he gives 9/11 completely contradicts the facts that diligent 911T researchers have uncovered. He also wants us to believe that the Greys are our buddies with our best interests in mind as they coach the military along, despite their record as slicers, dicers and brainwashers of abductees. Ergo we can only boil Burisch’s account down to its bones.

The bones reveal that the military is in cahoots with the Greys and has been engaged in an exchange program with them. That’s about all this writer is willing to take from Burisch.

Certainly now a clear picture should begin to emerge. The Greys are in cahoots with the biggest killing machine on the face of and in the history of the Earth, the U.S. military. They say nothing of government conspiracies to their abductees. And they fret openly over what’s going to happen to the precious Earth as we destroy ourselves.

Alas it appears only safe to conclude what Greenfield, Commander X, Karla Turner and others have concluded. The Greys are likely malevolent. This writer will go so far as to say that they are here with an agenda that was revealed to Enoch when he had his little tour of the heavens.

“I beheld the angels of punishment, who were dwelling there, and preparing every instrument of Satan. Then I inquired of the angel of peace, who proceeded with me, for whom those instruments were preparing. He said: These they are preparing for the kings and powerful ones of the Earth, that by this they may perish.” (I Enoch, 52: 3, 4, 5)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

War games galore next week!

Maveric thinker and author Webster Tarpley reported this week that numerous war games are set to commence next week, starting on the 17th and more or less running through mid-October. Noteworthy is how these games center on an apocolytpic nuclear holocaust scenario.

Research has revealed that on 9/11/01 a minimum of five and a maximum of two dozen war games were underway. They all were hijacking scenarios. Many involved the scenario of Arabs hijacking planes and crashing them into the WTC towers and the Pentagon. Also, some of them were live-fly, meaning that actual planes packed with actors were fake-hijacked in American airspace and flown around. Anybody who thinks this is a coincidence needs to WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time is running out. Looking at this empires economic predicament I've repeatedly forecasted that a false-flag psy-op will be carried out to provide a pretext for nuclear war vis a vis Iran in which the Russia/China/India alliance will intervene. America will be defeated, perhaps even physically destroyed. From the ashes will rise, like a phoenix, the New World Order.

Here are some of my previous blogs:

  • Nazis to bomb Amerika again ...

  • Nazis to bomb Amerika again, pt. 2 ...

  • Nazis to bomb Amerika again (July) ...
  • Sunday, September 9, 2007

    Shapeshifters and the War of the End of the World

    “… and when they pleased they assumed the likeness of man.” I Enoch, Chapter 17, Verse 1

    According to the extrabiblical work, The Book of Enoch, compatriots of Anu, known as "angels" to most, descended to Earth to partake in the pleasures of the flesh vis a vis Earthling women. Who can blame them? Well, Anu could.

    Not falling far from the tree, Anu's son Enlil, operational executive of the anunnaki (ancient astronaut or angel) headquarters in Mesopotamia, wasn’t much of one for sex for pleasure and openly complained about it prior to the Deluge, according to Sitchin in The 12th Planet, the first in his seven-book series.

    In The Book of Enoch, our hero, who is touring the heavenly abode of the astronaut "gods" that originally colonized Earth, gets an explanation. Apparently the anunnaki were of a heightened spirituality and thus need not partake in the pleasures of the flesh. Such activity would be regressive, Anu explains to Enoch, more or less. Man on the other hand, because he was created a slave species and was mostly of the flesh, could partake in the pleasures of the flesh as part of the overall experience necessary for eventual spiritual evolution.

    So down comes these anunnaki, according to Enoch, who together make a vow to evenly distribute the responsibility for their decision and its outcome. Mating with Earthlings created giants, the biblical Nephilim, and according to Enoch when these giants died, and because they were neither human nor anunnaki, their souls were forced to remain on Earth, wandering as clouds do, but tortured and lost.

    Speaking of lost souls, Hunt for the Skinwalker describes shapeshifters who are greedy and evil and can take whatever form they want, and often do take monstrous forms. According to the book, most cultures tell of evil shapeshifters of one form or another. These shapeshifters often kill using “mind control,” essentially casting spells that inspire their victims to kill or otherwise destroy themselves. Skinwalkers are witches and for a human to become a skinwalker he or she must be “initiated,” according to the book. To be initiated, one must kill a sibling, a relative, a brother or a sister. The killing must be ritualistic.

    This takes us back to the heavens and the patriarch of the original colonizing astronaut “gods” as described by Sitchin. These astronauts too were shapeshifters and could at will, according to Enoch, assume “the likeness of man.”

    Other passages from The Book of Enoch lead one to believe that the evil shapeshifters here are but fallen angels, anunnaki who are here to partake in the ups and downs of the materialistic existence of humans.

    Anu, according to Enoch, has declared that his goal is to wipe the seed of Cain from the face of the Earth. This is another way of saying that a war has been declared between the righteous and the fallen astronauts.

    One will remember that Cain killed his brother. Was Cain thus “initiated” as a skinwalker, a witch, self-serving and greedy?

    Is this what Anu seeks to wipe from the face of the Earth, the greedy cult of the skinwalker? Is the seed of Cain the Satanic component organizations of the Secret Society Complex that seek to control the minds of man so he will destroy himself, that seek to exploit the riches of Earth, that seek to keep mankind a slave species?

    Suddenly the War of the End of the World, the war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness takes on an organic feel.

    It should be noted that Anu tells Enoch that the fallen angels, the Sons of Darkness, the skinwalkers, indeed have some of the sacred secret knowledge of the astronauts but their grasp of it is incomplete. Perhaps this is what G was saying when he told P.D. Ouspensky in In Search of the Miraculous that there was only one form of real magic, one form of real sorcery, that it was indeed positive, and that all seemingly dark magic was a petty attempt to duplicate such, was ineffective and amounted to only deception. That deception is part and parcel to a larger attempt at mind control of the human species, to keep the species in slavery, to keep it on the primitive spiritual plane it now inhabits.

    It turns out that the War of the End of the World, the war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness will be like all other wars in that it won’t be won with bullets on the battlefield. It will be won in the minds of the people.

    Sunday, September 2, 2007

    When the old machine no longer does the job

    Blame the bicameral brain. That’s the machine that cranks out the product: The struggle that is based on division, based on differentiation. The brain is bicameral so what we perceive oftentimes differs drastically from reality due to the brain's natural, innate propensity to divide everything by two. Two eyes each see the world differently due to their different locations in space and time and thus send two separate information packages to the bicameral brain. Same goes for the ears. Then the brain, a house divided, runs its system of checks and balances, each house overseeing the workings of the other.

    And that’s the problem: The seemingly symmetrical duality built into the construct employed by the brain to filter reality. Reality is thus subjected to and broken up and then resynthesized by this duality. That’s the reason for this perpetual exercise in differentiation that leads us to conclusions that amount to nothing short of a collage of illusions, the illusion of you, you who seem so separate and different from me. The exercise in differentiation is what prompts us to constantly decline to embrace the reality defined by Einstein’s unified field theory. And that’s where the problems begin, with each and every one of us indulging in the illusion of you and of me when what differentiates you from me is negligible. In fact we are all one, cut from the same cloth, living out what we erroneously conclude are subjective experiences.

    Thursday, August 30, 2007

    Follow-up: Nazis to bomb Amerika

    I now put the odds of another 911-style false-flag psy op carried out by criminal elements within the secret society complex ruling the world and running the Amerikan gubbermint via the Bilderbergers and the Council on Foreign Relations at one in six.

    Starting Friday the game of Russian roulette begins. Before we squeeze that trigger let's connect some more dots.

    Labor Day, 09/03/07, will be the first bank holiday since Bear Stearnes abandoned it's Earthly body and joined the afterlife. That will be a day when American banks are closed and will be forced to watch from the sidelines as the workings of world markets play out.

    Perhaps in preparation for this day, the Fed will be meeting tomorrow morning in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, home of some Continuity of Governance underground bunker complexes. The Fed is scheduled to meet again the following Tuesday, in the aftermath of whatever happens after they do what they do and say what they say on Friday. This comes at the end of a week where the DOW thus far has had a 500 point swing and is still down 100 points since Monday.

    To sum, the Fed will meet Fri. in the neighborhood of a super-secret COG bunker complex and whatever comes out of that meeting will play out on world markets Sunday night and Monday, when Amerikan banks are closed.

    So what is going to happen? Perhaps Bernanke will on Fri. cave to domestic financial alchemists and hint at a rate cut. Sunday night, which is Monday in the East, China will dump its dollars. We'll awake Monday to news that our economy is now dead. After that, who knows? Maybe the junta will enact some sort of crazed and blatant false-flag "terror" event that will spur an exchange of nukes on a global scale and within hours we'll be living out the Mad Max movie series.

    Right now I put the odds of something similar to this coming to fruition at one in six.

    As an afterthought I received an email from a writer for the Online Journal and Global Research known as Mike Whitney, whose prophetic essays have rung true time and again over the course of the last year, saying that he's fine and indeed predicting similar events in the immediate future. Concern for that prolific writer's well-being arose when weeks passed without him publishing anything.

    Monday, August 27, 2007

    Links: Nazis to bomb Amerika, perhaps on Labor Day

    The risk now is that Bush's minions are abandoning their positions en masse because a major “terror event” is on the horizon and afterwords the work load for them would increase exponentially. Inside sources suggest Bush has issued an ultimatum: Get out by Labor Day or you are in it to win it! Indeed, it now appears highly possible that Labor Day, 9/3, will be the fateful day, the day of the next major "terror event" here, wherein travel infrastructure will be targeted to enable the military to carve up the nation when the time comes. Just like the so-called insurgents, many of whom you can bet are on the U.S. payroll, have been blowing up bridges in Iraq, so it will be here, and thus limit the options for the citizenry for moving about, making us easier to control. We know that 9 and 3 are magic numbers for the secret society complex and Will Cooper warned us that the Great Constitutional Patriot Roundup and Extermination will kick off on a holiday, when many patriots are at home, tired from celebrating and perhaps half lit on this country's socially-accepted mind-altering substance, booze. Also, Labor Day is definitely a "bridge holiday," when people go to rivers and beaches to watch fireworks shot from bridges into the water. When the dots are connected, this is the picture that becomes apparent: A September Surprise could be in the hopper and Labor Day is the first magical day of the month. Bridges will be targeted and history will reveal that the collapse of the bridge in Minnesota and the explosion that damaged the one in San Fran were dry runs for the "event."

    Read the following links and decide for yourself if the resignation of Rove, Snow and Gonzales is something worth celebrating or not.

    Quote of the day: "The Bush regime says it is going to designate part of Iran's military -- the Revolutionary Guards -- a terrorist organization, whose bases and facilities Bush intends to bomb along with Iran's nuclear energy sites. Three US aircraft carrier strike forces are deployed off Iran. B-2 Stealth bombers are being fitted to carry 30,000 pound "bunker-buster" bombs to use against hardened sites. Politicized US generals assert that Iran is providing arms and aid to the Iraqi resistance to the US occupation. The media are feeding the US population the same propaganda about nonexistent Iranian weapons of mass destruction that they fed us about nonexistent Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. A former CIA Middle East field officer, Robert Baer, has written in Time magazine that the Bush regime has decided to attack the Revolutionary Guards within the next six months. Remember the "cakewalk war"? Well, this time the neocons think that an attack on the Revolutionary Guards will free Iran from Islamic influence and cause Iranians to back the US against their own government." --Paul Craig Roberts

    Links: Chatter indicates “terror event” targeting West Coast infrastructure

    Only market crash due to “terror event” could cover billion dollar Wall Street bet

    Gubbermint posturing indicates fully dynamic war-stance taken

    FYI: It is the opinion of this writer that open war with Iran will lead to the military defeat of America abroad and the ultimate destruction of its government at home. That, of course, is what Bush was tasked with all along: Destroying Amerika. Mission accomplished.

    Confused? Don't worry. This is all part of a much bigger plan that can be traced back to the dawn of "human history." The New World Order, when it arrives, will be free of corruption, venality, dishonesty, graft, deception and greed. And hopefully, we the people, will be at its head. If not, then the Illuminati have a "king" lined up for us. It will be either of the two, because as our destiny has been written, we are in charge of writing our fate.

    Saturday, August 25, 2007

    Choosing our Fate: Freedom or Slavery, pt. 3

    The future Earth is a dying place void of resources.

    To survive in this place will require the highest degree of discipline, righteous moral codes and an absolute utter lack of compassion for weakness and vice. This is the truth.

    If it is a world void of resources it is a world that affords the individual limited means of expression and thus current ideas of freedom will be rendered obsolete.

    Because there will be minimal resources to give to our current standard means of self-expression pride will have no place. When pride goes, so goes vanity, which is tied to the illusory sense of individuality, which stems from our current standard means of expression.

    Also, along with pride and in accordance with the realities of living in a world void of resources, out the window goes the general sense of entitlement so many so lazily entertain. Without that there is no place for lust. And if you have no resources you certainly cannot allow gluttony.

    When you eradicate these drives and behaviors you eliminate vengeance and wrath and where does that leave us?

    It leaves us in a world where the excesses of today are indeed history.

    This is the world for which the Illuminati has planned. The reality of this world will mandate that mankind exploits the resources of other planets to ensure its survival here and wherever else it spreads its seed. This will require a space program of immense proportions. If anything requires strict discipline it is space travel.

    This brings us to you, gentle reader. For today you face a very real choice. The Illuminati do not believe that you are capable of living a disciplined life, a life void of corruption and true to the highest morals. The Illuminati believes that you will have to be programmed to live like that and it will require computer chips being inserted into your brain and draconian law and rule enforcement. It is useless to bring forward the emotional connotations tied to terms like autocracy and totalitarianism because what we are talking about is survival. Nothing more. Nothing less. That being the case the means certainly justify the ends, as the Illuminati repeats incessantly in the Protocols of the Wise Elders of Scion.

    The Illuminati see mankind for what he is. He is driven by selfishness, fear and laziness, from which the aforementioned seven deadly sins arise. So they have developed a plan to govern mankind so that it, as a species, will survive.

    Mankind has two options and this brings us again to your choice. You can either choose to continue doing what you do and being what you are, which is a being that actively contributes to a system that values profits and material possessions over people, over souls. Or you can choose to be something different.

    You can choose to value the truth. You can choose to live by the highest of moral codes, to actually apply the golden rule as espoused by Jesus Christ, one of the illumined members of the Illuminati. You can choose to value the brotherhood of mankind, to embrace it fully. You can choose to embrace your infinite love for all of your brothers and sisters.

    The reality is you can either accept reality, that the world has given all it can give and is dying and can no longer support us living how we live, or you can be enslaved to those who do accept this reality.

    Either way we enter a New World Order. One where either man is free or he is a slave. I hope you choose to abandon your fears and step up to the challenge of embracing your freedom.

    Sunday, August 19, 2007

    Choosing our Fate: Slavery or Freedom, pt. 2

    "It is hoped that a natural metamorphosis will occur. The Illuminati hope that it will result in a paradigm shift of the evolutionary consciousness of man. This could cause the formation of a state where no government is needed, where anarchy is not to be feared. They dream that the end result will be the world that Christ taught but that the Christian religion prevents.


    "We must learn to accept individual responsibility for the world's problems or be willing to live by the terms of those who do. We must learn to love one another, share, deplore violence, and work with nature, not against it. We must do all of this while colonizing the Universe. We must be prepared in the process to peacefully meet and deal with an extraterrestrial intelligence. I believe they exist."
    --William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, pages 175, 7

    Again the choice is ours and ours alone. We can either evolve into universal beings or be forced into slavery by those who understand the reality of the world we're living in. The first step in evolving is accepting responsibility for the bigger picture, worldwide environmental decline, worldwide crucial resource supply decline, the death of Mother Earth, and the impending ice age.

    The Illuminati clearly contains idealists who share my viewpoint. If so then those idealists share my enemies and challenges. Hopefully the day is soon when my brethren within the Illuminati help me and those like me usher in the New World Order of liberated, universal beings, peacefully coexisting and governing the world through pure democracy in a technotopia. Hopefully we can overcome the materialist, Satanists within the Secret Society complex that strive for a New World Order of a different nature, one where the common man is a microchipped slave living in a communistic totalitarian autocracy.

    Ultimately the question we, the family of mankind, face is: Do we love material possessions more than we love each other? This, of course, is an absurd question. That we love each other infinitely is undeniable.

    More properly worded the question becomes: Will we continue to decline to embrace our infinite love for each other so the systems that have ensured the dominance of the materialist mindset within the communal conscience can continue unabated? Answer that question and determine your fate. Your destiny is to be part of a one-world government system. The shape and form that system takes is in your hands. Choose wisely.

    Saturday, August 11, 2007

    Choosing our fate: Slavery or Freedom

    You’ve got no fear of the underdog
    That’s why you will not survive
    --Spoon (The Underdog)

    ”It is not the death of the evildoer that I seek, but that the wicked shall turn from his ways and live,”
    The Lord to Ezekiel (33:11)

    In his sixth book in the seven-book Earth Chronicle series, The Cosmic Code, Sitchin, a translator of ancient Sumerian texts, starts out by noting the difference between destiny and fate, as those terms were defined by the “gods.”

    Destiny is abstract eventualities that are written in the stars and thus out of the control of us humans. Fate is largely circumstantial, results from individual decisions and actions, and is malleable. Fate is not yet written but instead we are writing it as we go.

    Former ONI agent and businessman William Cooper in one of his many speeches said that he fully understood that a one-world government system was inevitable. What he wanted, he said, was to be a volunteer and not a slave.

    This brings us to an important point. The NWO will be a communist dictatorship running a global labor camp populated by automatons in an environmentally trashed world of waning resource supplies. More desirable is a one-world government system that has abandoned materialism, that uses the Internet fully as a primary means of democratic action, that fully empowers the individual who embraces the fact that he is a spiritual being enjoying a temporary material existence. Face it, if the Truth were to be readily embraced from birth onward there would be no need for government as we know it, we would have more than enough resources to live a happy and fulfilling minimalist existence where the soul is actuated and human evolution of the mind moves in leaps and bounds within the lifetime as mankind moves from being comprised of Earthlings to being comprised of universal beings on par in character and mind with the original colonizing extraterrestrial “gods” of this planet.

    The destiny is a one-world system. But our fate, or how it comes into place and what form it will take, is up to us.

    Saturday, August 4, 2007

    Sitchin: Marduk a "Son of Light"

    In his fifth book in the seven-book series, The Earth Chronicles, a synthesis of translations from Sumerian tablets that describe the times when the Anunnaki, “alien” astronauts from Nibiru, openly ruled Earth, Sitchin reports that Enlil referred to Marduk as a “Son of Light” who was to rule from the onset of the Age of Aeries to the “End of Days.”

    The book, When Time Began, basically describes the struggle for control over and formation of calendars that tabulated the movement of Earth’s skies through the zodiacal precession. The Enlil-camp of “alien” gods employed lunar and lunar-solar calendars. Marduk, of the competing Enki-camp, picked an almost strictly solar calendar, which he supposedly put into effect at the beginning of the era of Aeries, circa 2220 B.C., and ran until 60 B.C. We are currently in the era of Pisces, which will end in 2100 with the onset of the era of Aquarius.

    What I find most significant about this development, the reign of Marduk, is that he came to power shortly after the nuclear bombing of Sodom and Gomorrah, which left the “alien” gods with the disposition that man would be at least respected if not treated as an equal and influenced from behind the scenes.

    Kings would serve as intermediaries between the Anunnaki gods and man. These kings, or pharaohs, would be demigods. One such example is Alexander the Great, who determined he was of the lineage of a pharaoh who was of the direct bloodline of the Anunnaki.

    It can be safely concluded that over time, the demigod kings were removed from power via coups and usurps and thus they too ducked away from the role of overt rulers of man to become secret rulers. This is the situation we find ourselves in, where various secret societies dictate the course of major human events from behind the scenes. At the helm of these competing secrets societies, be they the Order of Death, the Rosicrucians, the Illuminati, the Masons, the Assassins, the Templars or the Priori de Scion, are likely demigods, acting as liaisons between the human foot soldiers of the society and whichever camp of the Anunnaki that secret society serves.

    As has been noted by various whistleblowers, not all Anunnaki particularly like humans. Some hate humans. Some, it has been reported, actually literally eat humans. Keep this in mind when you read about human sacrifices made at Bohemian Grove or elsewhere.

    Significantly, Marduk was hailed as a Son of Light. This is noteworthy being that Edgar Cayce, seer who died more than a half century ago, said that at this time a war is underway between the forces of light and the forces of darkness, with the former preventing lesser souls from reincarnating here on Earth. Is this part of the phenomenon of the Indigo Children and Star Seeds? Is this why the clearly Satanic members of the Order of Death and Illuminati are pushing for all world governments to enact martial law?

    Thursday, July 26, 2007

    Post wins award; I take a brief break

    I'll be back and doing my routine thing hopefully in a week or so, maybe a bit longer. I've been hosting guests and thus am mostly out of the loop. Meanwhile looks like this blog is now an award-winning blog!

    Dig this: "Congratulations! Your nattering have been awarded nutbar post of the day over at my blog. Thanks for the laughs!"

    The award was presented by Conspiracy Smasher, who I'm pretty sure isn't going through the back corridors of power smashing conspiracies. Instead he is reportedly smashing conspiracy theories. It's okay. The English language is a tough one.

    That said wouldn't it be nice if these debunkers would attack the source of the conspiracy theories and not just the heads of the hydra? We've got a plethora of alphabet agencies operating in total secrecy, which is antithetic to democracy. Secrecy, of course, breeds conspiracy. One might even conclude that these agencies were created with built-in veils of secrecy so that they could hatch premium and successful conspiracies. Ergo, you want me to shut up, do away with the secret security agency apparatus. Otherwise, as long as governmental secrecy is the norm, conspiracy theories will proliferate and nutbars like me will be howling about it all.

    When I do get a free moment, I am posting here, here, and here, if you want to get in touch with me.

    Tuesday, July 17, 2007

    Nazis to bomb Amerika again, The Skull's gut reports

    The real terrorists are planning to bomb America again, Reichland Security Uberczar Michael "The Skull" Chertoff's gut told us last week. This gastrointestinal utterance, not dissimilar from flatulence, escaped from Chertoff's bowels at about the time that Sen. Rick Santorum declared a desire to see Americans die en masse violently so this great country can be thrust headlong into an apocalyptic war with the rest of the world to appease his myopic doomsday "Christian” base. Their harmonious refrain hit the information marketplace just before Globalist Policy Uberczar Henry Kissinger, wanted in several countries for various war crimes, met in secret with KGB bully Vladmir Putin to plan for the impending nuclear war superficially over the petrochemical reserves of Asia and the Arctic.

    In that meeting the Satanists likely sacrificed a virgin to some shape-shifting transdimensional non-terrestrial being in exchange for a glimpse of the future, which left Kissinger telling reporters that, yes, he and Putin had been planning nuclear war. The press smiled and cut to a story on some chemically-dependent dipshit celebrity whose life was centered on their own genitalia.

    The next day Putin and his gang of mafioso thugs disavowed their commitment to a treaty designed to contain the militarization of Europe and the Manchurian reporters here started chanting like witches that death and destruction looms on the event horizon and no doubt some dark-skinned, dark-haired, dark-eyed, bearded cave-dweller will be blamed so that a nation of sleepers will have nightmares sufficient to inspire them to sacrifice their children to be cannon fodder for those running the security racket.

    Meanwhile many variables remain in the hopper, such as the undeniable full-blown crisis of faith in government here prompted mainly by the ever-accelerating economic crash the press just can't bring itself to honestly report about. For fuck's sake I shit you not I read an article last week that blamed an increase in local crime on the weather, not the fact that the price of necessities, food and energy, has increased by as much as 30 percent here over the course of the last year.

    Whatever false-flag bullshit the Nazis have planned it had better be good because no doubt mind-controlled America needs more bloodletting to appease the mighty Satan it serves. One wrong move and Uncle Sam, with his tiny attention span, his expansive gut and his obsession with violence as a solution to various problems, is likely to accidently slit his own throat.

    On a serious note as we close in on this impending date with destiny I would like to thank all the cowards who refused to contront the Truth about certain matters, specifically the false-flag psy-op known largely as 9/11, when it was right in front of them. And another big thanx to all those who swore to uphold the Constitution but just couldn't find it within themselves to do it. Thanx for nothing, fuckers.

    Monday, July 2, 2007

    Dragonfly drones and deathbed confessions


    I'll start off this week with a correction, the third in the last month or so. Sitchin holds that the Anunnaki came here 450,000 years ago to set up a gold-mining operation. Roughly 300,000 years ago the rank and file Anunnaki rebelled and mankind was created as a slave species to do the real work. Let's just say that this latter number I have had wrong in numerous posts and today I get to do the mundane task of perusing the 20 or so posts I have thus far made on this blog and fix my numbers.

    The phenomena of the "Dragonfly Drones"

    Debate is heating up over the photographs and tales surrounding the dragonfly drones that have been spotted in a couple of locations out West on separate dates. So far the most reputed eyewitness, who wants to remain anonymous, is a Maxwell Airforce Base military professional. And the most reputed whistleblower is a guy who worked for a DoD subcontractor who was tasked with back-engineering this clearly alien technology for some commercial application. The drone reportedly and allegedly is for surveillance and for beaming out holographic 3-D images. The 911T NBBT/NPT researchers should swarm this if we can get a break, such as folks dropping the mask of anonymity and tying their names and reputations to their tales of what they've seen, done and know.

    Thus far I'm mostly digging on's coverage of the development of this phenomena as it unfolds. Meanwhile, I've been haunting a couple of message boards, discussing this. I'll copy and paste my points here.

    A thread on The Open Minds Forum will likely end up with hundreds of pages. On page 68, I laid out my basic views on the alleged whistleblower. They are as follows.

    [SNIP, SNIP, PASTE] The explanation I've read (on comes from a guy who supposedly worked for a DoD subcontractor. Dude says he and his cohorts were developing the technology for the private or commercial sect. He says nothing about what the craft(s) are for; just that the can blink back and forth from the visible to the invisible at the flip of a switch. The explanation reads more like a biography than a description of the craft and whatnot.

    So here's the deal. It seems like it's a bio written to gain our trust, not to really inform us or to give us data on the craft(s) that we can then research and analyze.

    He's also the first whistleblower on this subject, meaning he could be damage control thrust forward to preempt a real whistleblower.

    Let's check his account.

    Apparently he worked in technology central and where he worked looked like a normal biz but instead had an entire underground complex. Now the time frame he describes sets his tale at about the same time that Lazar was in and out of Dreamland. Note how much more security there was in Lazar's account. His was complete with busses and unmarked planes moving people from society to secret facilities. This guy, well apparently you could see the facility from the street; it was in a buisiness or industrial setting; the neighbors simply didn't know that it was a DoD subcontracted operation; and he makes it sound like anyone could walk off the street, into the facility and not know what they were really seeing.

    Does this dovetail with other secret weapons development projects personnel's accounts?

    He gives a lot of details as to how he smuggled the papers and such out. Again, here we go with the "gaining our trust with a bulletproof story" gig. Maybe it's legit. Seems to me that a high-tech place where they are reverse engineering "alien" technology would be protected with security cameras watching one's every move. But apparently not at this place.

    Most bothersome to me is there is absolutely no insight into what this thing does. Is it a directed-energy weapon, that hovers over a target and then shoots down? Is it a weather modification drone? Is it surveillance? It could be anything and our whistleblower says nada. Why? Either his handlers have yet to tell him what to tell us or it's been operational and its effects have been felt recently (flooding in Texas? Directed energy beam destruction of WTC on 911?) and he doesn't want to cause a scare that will target the gubbermint and bring real heat on his ass. Whatever the case may be what it does is the caramel nugget of his tale and he's burying that deep.

    Other issues include how he swears up and down the "aliens" who gave us this technology are our buddies, sure to let us evolve like other higher beings let them evolve. This part of his tale bothers me most. Who the fuck is he to say this? He openly admits that his job was compartmentalized and he doesn't know the big picture. Then he closes with a verse from Kumbayah. If the scenario pans out where he's a cardboard cutout propped up to preempt real whistleblowing in the face of multiple photographs in varying locations of the same drone, then we should consider the possibility that the exact opposite of half of what he says must be true, meaning that the drones seen in the photographs the DoD has no control over, doesn't know where they came from, and might indeed be a manifestation of a species of being that will prove to be hostile to the DoD (not to be confused with the gubbermint, or, sigh, the American sheople). [/SNIP, SNIP, PASTE]

    Afterwards, expanded their coverage and the alleged use of the technology was forwarded. I addressed this on the Loose Change Message Boards.

    [SNIP, SNIP, PASTE]Earthfiles is reporting: "Isaac’s email and documents imply that this particular extraterrestrial technology was part of an American government effort to back-engineer, through civilian scientists, and apply commercially at the CARET Laboratory in Palo Alto. That E. T. technology allegedly can control gravity and project 3-dimensional images that apparently would look real to us humans, but are something akin to what we know as holographic images. The document also implies that the projected image technology can record.


    Those symbols have been studied intensely and led to the discovery of possible links between the “dragonfly drone” tail symbols and NASA’s Clementine I lunar photography and mapping mission in 1994."

    At this point apparently three theories on the drones are being advanced.

    1) The photos are part of an advertising campaign for an impending movie, such as Transformers, or video game. But if this is the case, why the whistleblower? He definitely doesn't fit in with this sort of scheme.

    2) The photos are of an aerial drone that is reverse-engineered "alien" technology. The reverse-engineering of the drone was a DoD contracted project allegedly for commercial purposes. The drone conducts surveillance and projects 3-D holograms. But if this is the case and since the phenomena of the sightings appears to be growing, then why the anonymity of the eyewitnesses and the one whistleblower? With as much corroboration as is now out there, why not approach this as if it were happening as it is happening, wide open for everyone to see and, at times, photograph?

    3) This is all an elaborate hoax. But if so, is a fake account being created and furthered by some sort of prankster, a misunderstood comedian, with a bunch of time on his hands and some photoshop skills. Or is this all a disinformation package being built and furthered by the gubbermint for some reason, perhaps to discredit UFOlogists as we near "full disclosure"?

    Having perused the documents on our whistleblower, I've arrived at three possible theories as to who and what he is.

    1) He's a bullshit artist having a laugh on me.

    2) He's a cardboard cutout here to muddy the water and prevent legit gubbermint workers who might really know something about this from coming forward.

    3) He's legit and is in love with himself.[/SNIP, SNIP, PASTE]

    All this aside, two recent developments in the news merit mentioning.

    Some sort of spectacular terrorist attack appears imminent, according to Alex Jones's Prison Planet. Certainly the conditions are right. The president's approval rating is at an all-time low. Fewer people are willingly enlisting in the military, which is now largely a house divided. The economy is crashing. And all of this, paired with 911T and the Peace Movement swells and swirls to create an undeniable crisis of faith in government, which in a civilized and highly advanced society would normally lead to a rebirth in democratization. Here in the states it will probably lead to the government bombing its own people and blaming its enemies as a pretext to breathe life into the already established skeletal structure of open martial law, thus enabling the completion of the rise of the fascist authoritarian system, complete with a master class and a slave class.

    Adding to the eeriness of everything and perhaps the need of the government to shut down the Web and kill or imprison all dissidents, the signed affidavit of the military's public relations officer who handled the Roswell crash has now hit the fan. In that affidavit, the officer says that an alien saucer crashed in Roswell in 1947, the military concocted a false cover story and has actively pushed that false story on the public since.

    This confession is like the Howard Hunt confession. It more than anything makes apparent the falsity of the gubbermint's account of events.

    Read and archive the article before it is taken down.

    Believe me I don't think I am making an overstatement when I now say that time is of the essence. Constitutional patriots, advocates of truth and democracy and peaceniks now need to crash the gates in this information war. What you do today could determine more than you could ever imagine what the shadow government does tomorrow and how the people react.


    Sunday, June 24, 2007

    False-flag op preceded nuking of Sodom, Gomorrah

    Topics this week will include a false-flag op carried out by a faction of Anunnaki prior to the nuclear bombing of Sodom, the possibility of other “alien” species involvement in the initial colonization of Earth, more references to the reptilian nature of the Anunnaki, Cain’s progeny in Mesoamerica, NASA involvement in sub-polar ice sheet exploration, and the discovery of a 4000 year old labor camp on the Nile.

    False-flag psy-op prior to the nuclear bombing of Sodom

    Sitchin, in The Wars of Gods and Men, third book in the Earth Chronicles series, relates how Marduk, son of Enki, in coming out of exile was pushing his army towards Nippur circa 2045 B.C. when he garnered the wrath of the some bigwig Anunnaki for something he didn’t do.

    Indeed, Ninurta, progeny of Enlil, who was the half brother and adversary of Enki, needed all the help he could get to prevent Marduk from taking the city. Enter: Erra, Ninurta’s ally. Erra leads his army to trash Ekur, a temple honoring Enlil.

    News of the destruction reaches Enlil, who essentially commanded gold mining and colonization operations in Mesopotamia and on Earth in general. Enlil hauls it to Nippur. “‘Riding in front of him were gods clothed in radiance’; he himself ‘set off brilliance like lightning’ as he came down from the skies; ‘he made the holy place shake’ as he descended to the sacred precinct. Enlil then addressed his son, ‘the prince Ninurta,’ to find out who had defiled the sacred place. But instead of telling the truth, that it was Erra, his ally, Ninurta pointed the accusing finger at Marduk and his followers.” (p. 323)

    This false-flag operation threw into motion the machinations that immediately led to the nuclear bombing of Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Other “alien” involvement in running the labor camp Earth

    Also in The Wars of Gods and Men Sitchin mentions for the first time another type of “alien” “god.” While I am debating this on another message board, it would seem that based on the context in which the references are found it is at least possible that the Mesopotamian texts on the bombing of Sodom and Gomorrah also document communications revealing the existence, role and importance of another species of “alien” in the running the Earth colonization project.

    Quote 1: Note: The context is the deliberations amongst the elite Anunnaki prior to the bombing of Sodom and Gomorrah. "... Ninurta had made clear to Nergel/Erra that the weapons could be used only against specifically approved targets; that before they could be used, the Annunaki gods at the selected sites and the Igigi gods who manned the space platform and the shuttlecraft had to be warned; ..." (p. 327)

    Quote 2: Note: The context is the timeline at the end of the book. "Nergel then agreed to giving advance warning to the Anunnaki and Igigi who manned the space facilities, ..." (p. 345)

    Quote 3: Note: The context is also the timeline at the end of the book. "Gaining support of the Igigi, Alalu's grandson attempts to seize mastery over Earth." (p. 345)

    One explanation I’ve received thus far is: “The Igiggi were merely the ‘astronauts’ of the Anunnaki, operating their Earth-orbiting space station and the shuttles between the space station and Earth -and likely the shuttles to and from Niburu.”

    My response was: “Are you saying that the Igigi gods are also Anunnaki gods? No caste system has been made apparent in the books before and no bureaucratization of roles has been mentioned. For example, the genetics lab workers were referred to the same way the rest were. Same goes for the miners. But you would have me believe that the astronauts, the pilots, received special recognition?” In other words, thus far into his books, and I’m moving through the fourth book, the Anunnaki gods all go by the same title. I believe that the reference to the Igigi gods might well be another species of “alien” gods. (The discussion)

    Cain’s progeny in Mesoamerica

    In The Lost Realms, the fourth book in the Earth Chronicles, Sitchin argues that when Cain was banished for slaying his brother, he took his family to Mesoamerica, where Anunnaki-run gold-mining operations were underway. The bible mentions that Cain’s son Enoch had a city built in his name. Sitchin holds that it became customary for the peoples of Mesoamerica to begin their proper nouns and words with the letter “t,” therefore Enoch’s city was Tenochtitlan. He then goes on to describe the mark of Cain.

    “And, in view of the particular genetic trait of the Amerindians –the absence of facial hair— one wonders whether it was this genetic change that was the ‘mark of Cain’ and his descendants. If our guess is right, then Mesoamerica, as a focal point from which Amerindians spread north and south in the New World, was indeed the Lost Realm of Cain.” (p. 42)

    Icke’s Reptilians and the Serpent Gods

    Mesoamerica’s first gods were serpent gods, with Quetzalcoatl being a winged serpent. Again this dovetails with Icke’s theory that a species of extradimensional shape-shifting reptilians have been controlling Earth and the happenings thereon since it was a barren rock.

    Writes Sitchin, “In addition to Quetzalcoatl, the Nahuatl pantheon was replete with deities associated with serpents. Cihuacoatl was the ‘Serpent Female.’ Coatlicue was ‘the one with the skirt of serpents.’ Chicomecoatl was ‘Seven Snake.’ Ehecacoamixtli was the ‘Cloud of wind snakes,’ and so on. The great god Tlaloc was frequently depicted with the mask of a double serpent.” (p. 64)

    Labor camp on Nile discovered

    Archaeologists have discovered the remnants of what they are calling a “gold processing center,” which was set up like a big, open-air factory on the Nile that dates back to 2000 B.C., when that area was known as Kush.

    Thing is the processing center was exactly that, a big labor camp without all the trappings and underpinnings of civilization.

    “‘The Kingdom of Kush was unusual in that it was able to use the tools of power military and governance without having a system of writing, an extensive bureaucracy or numerous urban centers,’ Embergling said,” according to Science Daily.

    Perhaps the place was essentially an Anunnaki-run satellite factory with the sole purpose of cranking out gold and to look for the remnants of a human social structure or culture is incongruous with the reality laid out in tablets found in what used to be Sumer, tablets that tell of the “alien” gods who invented man to mine gold. (Read the story.)

    NASA in the depths of the ocean below the pole?

    A “Science Daily” story with the headline “New robotic vehicles will hunt for life and hydrothermal vents on arctic seafloor” relates how NASA is apparently highly interested in the findings of explorations of sub-polar ice waters.

    “Some scientists, including program managers and scientists from the NASA Astrobiology Program, have been keenly interested in the possibility that Gakkel Ridge may harbor life forms and environmental conditions consistent with primordial Eath or other watery planets,” the site reports.

    Though this may certainly be the case, it is worth noting that it is possible that the real reason NASA is funding the mission and paying attention is because of the numerous UFO sitings at the poles.

    Meanwhile, those that believe that the Earth is hollow hold that openings may be found at the poles. Science Daily adds fuel to that fire when it reports, “Scientists also found that large sections of the Earth’s mantle appear to be deposited directly onto the seafloor along the Gakkel Ridge.”

    Combine the belief that Earth, the moon and many of the other planets are hollow with the implications of all the reported UFO sightings at Earth’s poles and you get the idea that UFOs are gaining access to Earth’s hollows through entrances at the poles, which is probably why “major funding for the (polar seafloor exploration) expedition and for vehicle development was provided by … the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.” (Read the story.)


    I have probably misspelled Anunnaki a billion times. I hope to reign in this mistake I repeat so readily and almost pathologically. Apologies to whomsoever the misspelling of Anunnaki offends.


    Check out my movie on the Lucifer Project:


    Sunday, June 17, 2007

    Supplemental thoughts on the Lucifer Project

    One event representing two important developments should be duly noted here without further delay. First, another movie on the Lucifer Project has hit Youtube. The significance of this cannot be marginalized.

    We are more than a year out before NASA, acting on behalf of the Illuminati, who are likely annunaki agents, sinks Cassini into Saturns southern pole turning that planet into a star and raining ozone-destroying ejecta onto Earth, which will send the elites into underground bunkers as the masses are wiped out. Then it's off to colonize Titan!

    But not so fast. One year out and more and more people are becoming aware of this plot, certainly to the detriment of the plotters.

    The movie hitting cyberspace is one development. The second is the emergence of the Sinister Brother Production company onto the scene. And not a minute too soon. Certainly readers and free thinkers should keep an eye on this outfit, which yours truly hopes to be a big part of.


    Check out this relatively short movie by a former Groom Lake employee named Phil Sneider. He covers a lot of the same stuff that William Cooper covered, namely underground highways, underground bases, menacing underground alien populations, and the reality of the alien agenda domineering us these days.

    Personally, I'm wrapping up Sitchin's third book in his Earth Chronicle series, The Wars of Gods and Men. Sitchin, a translator of Sumerian tablets, draws a picture of warlike god "alien" colonizers who landed on Earth some 450,000 years ago, who created man some 300,000 years ago to mine for gold, and who might still be running things here from behind the scenes. Again, the primary point to be taken from this book, I think, is that these "alien" overlords readily resorted to war to solve their problems, both amongst themselves and in the affairs of humans. Certainly we can presume that of course they are more technologically advanced than us, humans. But spiritually they might in fact me inferior to us. Indeed, these "alien" overlords exhibited all the qualities we might attribute to the lowest of our ranks. They were greedy, selfish, calloused, promiscuous, violent and brutally so.

    As for advancing my theories this week, I was pleased to come across commentary in this interview with Dan Bursisch. Burisch refers to the "aliens" now immersed in human affairs as evolutionary eventualities springing from the basic "human" mold who have traveled back in time for whatever reason. This of course is logical because to transcend space is to transcend time as well. This subject needs further discussion at some other time.


    Tuesday, June 12, 2007

    Sitchin's ideas meet Icke's; Lucifer links for you

    Sitchin's book The Wars of Gods and Men, the third in his series The Earth Chronicles, which are based on Sumerian tablets, reveals that the alien colonizers of Earth initially engaged in constant petty squabbles over territory and rank, as it was inherited.

    This might only be the superficial reasons, of course. We have to consider that the tablets that Sitchin has translated amount to Public Relations releases cranked out by the propagandists of the alien-gods in charge at the moment. Certainly the wars then were for the same causes as the wars of today, resources like the noble metals and petrochemicals.

    The point this writer takes to the bank from the first 200 pages of this book is that while these gods may have advanced knowledge of the universe and the naturally resulting abilities, they were most definitely not spiritually advanced beings. They were deceptive, dishonest, petty and, worst of all, incredibly brutal. Ergo we should not count on them and we should not plan for the return of one or another anunnaki party to represent the dawn of a new era for human relations, the human condition and Earth itself. They won't save us. Face it, they were the type of being that not only desired but felt entitled to slaves. They aren't that much more spiritually advanced than the worst of us humans.

    In sum, we must save ourselves. The solution to the human problem will not come on behalf of or in spite of our alien-gods. Instead it will come from us.

    The book does refer a couple of times to the kin of Enki, one of the founding alien-fathers of the Earth labor camp, as "serpents." Of course it is the enemies of the Enki-family, members of the Enlil-family, that refer to, for example, Marduk, Enki's son, as a serpent. Certainly this can be seen as evidence backing David Icke's theory about how a reptilian race of extradimensional aliens have been governing human affairs since time immemorial.

    That said, I've recently stumbled across some useful links on the Lucifer Project (New to the Lucifer Project? Click here to be introduced.) Let's look at them in list form.

    1) The conditions that brought about The Deluge may again be in place. In The Deluge, the ice caps melted to the point where they slid off into the ocean, sending mile-high waves surging from pole to pole and back again, almost wiping life entirely from the face of the planet 13,000 years ago. (Click here, and here.)

    2) Titan is being explored by a drone. And turns out, it is very Earth-like. (Click here.)

    3) Wild Bill (William) Cooper connects the dots a solid decade or more before yours truly. Check out his four hour speech, where he ruthlessly delivers the Truth. Pay attention to where he quotes think tanks who conclude that the survival of the human species is dependent on the colonization of other planets or celestial bodies. (Click here.)

    Sunday, June 3, 2007

    Correction on the ETA of the Anunnaki

    In previous posts and elsewhere on the Net I've said that the ETA of the return of the planet of the Anunnaki is 2065, according to Marrs, who was likely quoting Sitchin. This was incorrect.

    Sitchin now holds, according to more than one online source, that the 12th planet will return in 2085.

    This doesn't jibe with some the ideas of some folks who think that since the Mayan, ancient Tibeten and other calendars end in 2012 that that must be the year of the return of this planet, which when it passes wreaks havoc here on Earth.

    I'm fairly certain that the Mayan and ancient Tibeten calendars were based on astronomical and astrological events and circumstances that weren't necessarily Earth-centered. The end of their calendar likely means massive change on Earth. I've furthered the idea here that I am hopeful that what 2012 will mean for Earthlings is the end to the era of the materialist-mindset. Better late than never!

    Humans as a species are about to go through a series of near-death experiences. The species itself will almost be wiped out. Having experienced that, we will evolve to the next psychic plane, the next spiritual level, as do folks who have near death experiences that remind them that what we experience in our bodies on this planet represents only a tiny fraction of the reality of this universe.

    Here's to being optimistic!

    Tuesday, May 29, 2007

    Sitchin on the Deluge, the pyramids, and the war of the end of the world

    Sitchin closes his first book in the Earth Chronicle series, The 12th Planet, by discussing the Deluge. His second book, The Stairway to Heaven, is on the afterlife and those who sought a form of eternal life given to the “alien” gods who colonized Earth starting 450,000 years ago, the Nefilim. He discusses the location of their spaceports and then basically affirms what Maurice Chatelain asserted in his book Our Ancestors Came From Outer Space, that the Great Pyramid complex in Giza is, amongst other things, a high-tech landing beacon for the Nefilim. He starts his third book in the series, The Wars of Gods and Men, by discussing the various spats between the gods, which ended in the supremacy of one Marduk. Interestingly enough he opens the book with what supposedly will be the final war of the gods, the future war at the end of the world between the forces of light and darkness. This war will start in the modern day Mideast and will feature gods fighting alongside mankind in a biblical battle that will ensure the end of the world as we know it.

    Perhaps doing a disservice Sitchin, one of roughly 300 or so Sumer-speaking folks alive on the planet, let’s look only briefly at each of these points by hitting the utmost highlights of the sections of his books listed here and which are based on tablets found in excavations in Iraq and throughout the Mideast. To prep for this, note that the Nefilim came here when Homo erectus, the product of Earth’s natural evolutionary system, walked the planet. These “alien” gods wanted almost strictly Earth’s royal and nuclear metals and commenced mining here almost immediately. Three stations were set up, one in what became Sumer, one in the hollows of “lower-Earth,” and one on a mother ship circling the Earth. Based on the Sumerian texts and various accounts of events that occurred during the Apollo missions, it can safely be concluded that the space station was eventually moved to the inside of the moon, which like Earth is hollow. In lower-Earth approximately 300,000 years ago, after a mutiny of the rank and file workers and gold miners, the Nefilim created mankind, the end result of what some are claiming was a elongated series of genetic modification experiments that used, amongst that of others, Neanderthal DNA and along the way created a variety of beings, from angels to centaurs to dwarfs. Finally Homo sapien was invented and he worked the mines of lower-Earth. Eventually the slave race was brought to the surface to work there as well.

    The Deluge

    The planet from which the Nefilim originated swings through this part of the solar system every 3,600 years or so. And it just so happened that around 13,000 years ago, as the Earth was warming and coming out of an ice age, the planet of the Nefilim could be seen soaring across Earth’s night sky. The gravitational pull of this planet drug the half-melted ice cap into the ocean, displacing enough water to send mile-high tidal waves roaring from pole to pole and back again. Mankind was already in a dire state at that point, being that climate change had made gardening, hunting and fishing incredibly difficult. But the Deluge was the climax that the Nefilim had envisioned and most of these so-called “gods” managed to escape into the Earth’s orbit and to watch it all go down from a distance. Enki, the creator of mankind, was sympathic towards one specific family, that of who we now refer to as Noah, and gave him the low down well in advance so that he could build a specialized craft, survive and then repopulate the Earth after the planet of the Nefilim was on its way back into space and the waters had receded.

    It is during this tale that rifts amongst the Nefilim become apparent and somewhat defined. Enlil, who was in charge of the headquarters in Sumer, was to one degree or another basically vehemently anti-human. Enki, who had been in charge of the headquarters based in lower-Earth and who had created mankind was empathetic to man and thus ensured the survival of the species when the time came. Anu, who ran the space station orbiting Earth, was above this row and, based on tablets found in Sumer and Sitchin’s interpretation of them, played only a minor role in the decision to let mankind be wiped out due to cataclysmic events of astronomical proportions.

    The Afterlife

    The Nefilim were apparently able to live on after their Earthly bodies stopped functioning but to do so entailed a journey to a restricted place, a space port based inside a mountain. To get there these so-called “gods” built special burial chambers which would open to an underground tunnel that would lead them into lower-Earth. From there they would journey to the space ports, politicking heavily along the way to ensure a trip to some refuge away from Earth. Once they had pleased the right bigwigs, the recently-dead would board a vessel that would blast into space and that is the last that would be heard of them.

    Apparently one of the effects Earth had on its Nefilim colonizers was it dramatically shortened their lives. They are coming from a planet that takes 3,600 Earth years to orbit the sun once, meaning that one year of life for the Nefilim spans 3,600 Earth years. But once on Earth, time sped up for them and a mortal’s death awaited. So they arranged to be carted off the planet just after death to some place, unlisted in the book, where a glorious afterlife, and perhaps a new body, awaited. During their stay on Earth they could bathe in a fountain of life- and youth-giving waters, also located in lower-Earth and also arrived at after an arduous journey and much politicking (all these places were heavily guarded to keep out the humans, the slave race).

    Word was out, of course, that the “gods” had a fountain of youth tucked away somewhere and throughout the ages stories have arisen of men and demigods seeking out these places. One was Gilgamesh, the Sumerian king who claimed to be 2/3 “god” and 1/3 human, meaning that one parent was full-blooded Nefilim and the other was half Nefilim. Gilgamesh actively sought the fountain of youth and came across Nefilim space ports along the way. Another was Moses, who in biblical times and on assignment sought waters that would return to life the dead fish he carried in his boat. The third Sitchin mentions is Alexander the Great, whose father was an Egyptian Pharaoh and who eventually found the basic location of the fountain but who wasn’t allowed to join the “gods” in permanently residing in proximity to its waters. Alexander died young but obtained the immortality Milan Kundera speaks of in his book, “Immortality,” but nothing more, meaning he died the death of a mortal and it is likely the energy of his essence remained in use within this solar and energy system.

    The Pyramids of Giza

    To reach the path in lower-Earth that would take them to the space port where the spirits of recently-deceased Nefilim were transported to their afterlife residency, the bodies of the Nefilim had to be entombed in specific locations and certain rites enacted. Empty sarcophaguses have been found in the three pyramids of Giza and one might conclude that bodies of dead Nefilim “gods” were firstly placed in these coffins. Later they would be spirited away with some help from emissaries from the space ports, leaving behind those empty coffins that would so confuse archaeologists centuries later. The Nefilim “gods,” it is held today by researchers like David Icke, were extradimensional beings, meaning they could morph into various shapes and flip back and forth in space and time. So it is likely that upon being sealed in the sarcophagus and then inside the chamber, the “god” would await a visitation by an emissary from the space port who would, according to Sumerian tablets, walk through what has conservatively been called “a false door” but what was likely some sort of portal in the wall of the chamber, and then lead the “god” through the lower world and eventually on to the space port.

    Meanwhile these pyramids, Sitchin holds, doubled as enormous beacons for ascending and descending Nefilim spacecraft. I’ve blogged on the Great Pyramid before and have pointed out its many characteristics that suggest it was obviously likely built by beings of a higher intelligence than humans.

    Marduk’s world, human wars, and eschatology

    Opening his third book, The Wars of Gods and Men, Sitchin briefly summarizes the various wars between the Nefilim-led humans of various ancient civilizations that originated in Sumer. These wars oftentimes featured “gods” fighting alongside humans. Or, in the case of Achilles and Alexander the Great, demigods, the progeny of “gods” and humans, leading, fighting alongside and dying amongst humans. Most of the fighting superficially would seem to be over territory but certainly the root cause of the wars must have been based on the Nefilim’s core mission on Earth, which primarily was to gather and horde all of the world’s gold to later take home, to that pesky planet that flies every 3,600 years, wreaking havoc here. Though this reader hasn’t reached a passage where Sitchin asserts exactly this, it would seem that at some point the Nefilim dissolved into various camps, each with legions of slaves to do their bidding. Each “god” wanted to be the one to win favor with the chief bigwig when the time came so endless wars of conquest became the norm, as each “god” did everything in his or her power to gather as much gold as possible. Eventually the “gods” decided to disengage from the fighting itself, and took a back seat role in steering future wars. This development came with one god, Marduk, successfully defeating all of his opponents and likely striking some sort of peace rendering obsolete direct conflict between the Nefilim “gods” in roughly 534 B.C. Enter the new era where proxy wars carried out by man are overseen from behind the scenes by the various competing “gods” with gold being the primary proponent of planning and fighting.

    Sitchin doesn’t say exactly this, so it must be inferred. What he says is that after Marduk’s successful conquest of Egypt “the Wars of Men have been the wars of men alone.” Certainly. But if the Nefilim and the so-called “kings” they employed to be liaisons between them and their slaves have steered world and human events for no less than 100,000 years it is unlikely that they would just surrender control of the planet and its gold to the slave race!

    Sitchin also describes the final and impending war of “gods” and man. Describing writings found in The Dead Sea Scrolls, Sitchin asserts the future could hold a “war of the sons of light against the sons of darkness” wherein “local battles will first involve Judea’s immediate neighbors, which shall increase in ferocity and scope until the whole ancient world would be engulfed.” The “ancient world” is the Mideast, and indeed warfare is spreading throughout that area. This war, which is growing in intensity by the day, may eventually entail Nefilim “gods” fighting alongside humans, as they did in the wars of old, Sitchin reports. Quoting from the scrolls themselves, Sitchin relates that “(o)n that day, the Company of the Divine and the congregation of the Mortals shall engage side by side in combat and carnage. The Sons of Light shall battle against the Sons of Darkness with a show of godlike might, amid uproarious tumult, amid the war cries of gods and men.”

    Thursday, May 24, 2007

    Crisp UFO pics spark debate

    Of course the usual questions now arise. Are the photos real? If so, do they represent alien-made or human-made technology? The person who took the photos included with them crucial information that might answer at least the latter question. Says he, "There's also some writing on this thing, which I didn't recognize (and I read both English and Hindi)."

    Both and the UFO Casebook have published the photos. On the Earthfiles home page, below the outstanding pictures of the crop circles are at least to entries on the photographs, suggesting that the same aerial object was photographed at two separate times in two separate locations, once in the Lake Tahoe-area on May 5, the other in "Central California" on May 6.

    Perhaps coincidentally, after I came across those pics I happened upon this blog discussing the post-disclosure world, a world of the aftermath of the era of the materialist-mindset. The writer basically says in so many words that the degree of human suffering on this planet is directly tied to two things. Foremost is the degree of the pervasiveness of the plague of ignorance rampant on this planet. Also with a direct linear correlation to the degree of human suffering on Earth is the degree to which the materialist-mindset dominates the collective human conscious.

    The writer asserts that there is no "unnecessary suffering." This must be the case because it is indeed suffering to the highest degree that will spur us to evolve to the next spiritual or psychic plane, something we must do if the species, if indeed the planet itself, is to survive.
