Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mind war to intensify as economy declines

The war for your mind will gain in intensity as America is subjected to some mild economic shocks between now and January.

Because the third and fourth quarters are when laundered drug money moves through the markets and Wall Street, overall stability in the form of predictable economic decline, will be the norm. After the holidays, things will get shaky.

At that point the war for your mind will reach new heights. The overall transfer of wealth to the moneyed elites will move from targeting the already exhausted poor and working classes to the employing classes and they aren’t likely to take it so well. Ergo expect to see a massive campaign to convince you to blame the victim, to convince you that we don’t need certain rights because they only end up abused by terrorist sympathizers, and to convince you that authoritarian rule is the only way to ensure social and economic stability. Of course this is only true if you personally decide it is true, if you cave to and embrace their world-views.

Ultimately for the moneyed elites to prevail in their mind war they will have to silence the voice of the voiceless, now thriving on the internet, which really has become a stumbling block for the globalists. Because of the internet not only is underground news media thriving, but everybody is now removed or separated from everybody else in the world by, at most, three or four degrees. Used to be seven degrees of separation between you and, say, a starving mother in Iraq. Now, thanks in part to the internet, you could well have chatted anonymously online with the man who dropped the bomb on the house she was sleeping in with her kids.

As you can see, those seeking a New World Order wherein the world is a corporate fiefdom run by a handful of ruthless nobles and world bankers are facing a momentous challenge. When the internet is put to its purest function absolute democracy will be possible, truth will thrive in the marketplace of ideas, and equality will become the norm. With a little luck and some work, the internet could invoke a one world government system of the people, by the people and for the people. Certainly this is a nightmare for those who’ve benefited from systems designed to spur inequality and strife.

Expect them to react with overkill in an attempt to secure undeniable victory in the mind war.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Green Greys and threats both real and perceived

“The name of the (angel) is Gadrel, he discovered the every stroke of death to the children of man. He seduced Eve; and discovered to the children of men the instruments of death, the coat of mail, the shield, and the sword for slaughter; every instrument of death to the children of men.” -- I Enoch, 68: 6,7

Greys show their metaphorical hands to abductees regularly, according to numerous sources.

Project Camelot would have us believe that the Greys are running a reeducation boot camp in space wherein abductees are basically instilled with fear of a polluted world.

They are shown that Earth is dying.

What’s important to this writer is what they are not shown.

Gross, systematic and widespread environmental decline is but a head of the hydra. There are many more: Probable accidental global nuclear holocaust, false flag black psy ops, war in general, poverty and general inequity, peak oil, peak topsoil, on and on.

Certainly we can all take up swords and start lopping off heads one by one but wouldn’t it be much more fruitful to strike at the heart of the beast?

It would be if you were concerned with the fate of the human species. If you wanted to see mankind evolve to the next psychic or spiritual plane then you might prod him to stop fighting hydra heads and help him land a death blow to the real monster: Deception on behalf of the most powerful institutions. Deception in the form of proliferation of lies, half truths and misinformation. Deception in the form of secrecy. Deception as an crucial part of mass mind control.

Now if you were an alien and you wanted to help out an up and coming species of hominoids by revealing to them the extent to which they’ve been deceived what would you reveal to your abductees, taken in the night in their sleep? Would you reveal to them the Truth about 9/11? How about the Truth about the most prominent assassinations of the 1960s and 1970s, from the Kennedys to King to Fred Hampton to Malik El Shabazz. These lessons would be mind altering. They would shift paradigms.

Instead the Greys program their abductees to fret over the environment.

One might conclude that the Greys really are showing their hand here. They are not at all concerned about the fate of mankind. No, instead they simply have their eyes on the prize. They want Earth! And they’re worried that as we wipe ourselves out we’re going to take the planet with us.

Dan Burisch clearly would like to be the guy that inspires legions of UFO buffs to rewrite their ideas of what they Greys are and why the are here, on and on. But his accounts are filled with contradictions. Take for example his take on 9/11. His view of the meaning of 9/11 was supposedly shaped by a brief glance at what he describes to be an alien crystal ball. But the meaning he gives 9/11 completely contradicts the facts that diligent 911T researchers have uncovered. He also wants us to believe that the Greys are our buddies with our best interests in mind as they coach the military along, despite their record as slicers, dicers and brainwashers of abductees. Ergo we can only boil Burisch’s account down to its bones.

The bones reveal that the military is in cahoots with the Greys and has been engaged in an exchange program with them. That’s about all this writer is willing to take from Burisch.

Certainly now a clear picture should begin to emerge. The Greys are in cahoots with the biggest killing machine on the face of and in the history of the Earth, the U.S. military. They say nothing of government conspiracies to their abductees. And they fret openly over what’s going to happen to the precious Earth as we destroy ourselves.

Alas it appears only safe to conclude what Greenfield, Commander X, Karla Turner and others have concluded. The Greys are likely malevolent. This writer will go so far as to say that they are here with an agenda that was revealed to Enoch when he had his little tour of the heavens.

“I beheld the angels of punishment, who were dwelling there, and preparing every instrument of Satan. Then I inquired of the angel of peace, who proceeded with me, for whom those instruments were preparing. He said: These they are preparing for the kings and powerful ones of the Earth, that by this they may perish.” (I Enoch, 52: 3, 4, 5)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

War games galore next week!

Maveric thinker and author Webster Tarpley reported this week that numerous war games are set to commence next week, starting on the 17th and more or less running through mid-October. Noteworthy is how these games center on an apocolytpic nuclear holocaust scenario.

Research has revealed that on 9/11/01 a minimum of five and a maximum of two dozen war games were underway. They all were hijacking scenarios. Many involved the scenario of Arabs hijacking planes and crashing them into the WTC towers and the Pentagon. Also, some of them were live-fly, meaning that actual planes packed with actors were fake-hijacked in American airspace and flown around. Anybody who thinks this is a coincidence needs to WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time is running out. Looking at this empires economic predicament I've repeatedly forecasted that a false-flag psy-op will be carried out to provide a pretext for nuclear war vis a vis Iran in which the Russia/China/India alliance will intervene. America will be defeated, perhaps even physically destroyed. From the ashes will rise, like a phoenix, the New World Order.

Here are some of my previous blogs:

  • Nazis to bomb Amerika again ...

  • Nazis to bomb Amerika again, pt. 2 ...

  • Nazis to bomb Amerika again (July) ...
  • Sunday, September 9, 2007

    Shapeshifters and the War of the End of the World

    “… and when they pleased they assumed the likeness of man.” I Enoch, Chapter 17, Verse 1

    According to the extrabiblical work, The Book of Enoch, compatriots of Anu, known as "angels" to most, descended to Earth to partake in the pleasures of the flesh vis a vis Earthling women. Who can blame them? Well, Anu could.

    Not falling far from the tree, Anu's son Enlil, operational executive of the anunnaki (ancient astronaut or angel) headquarters in Mesopotamia, wasn’t much of one for sex for pleasure and openly complained about it prior to the Deluge, according to Sitchin in The 12th Planet, the first in his seven-book series.

    In The Book of Enoch, our hero, who is touring the heavenly abode of the astronaut "gods" that originally colonized Earth, gets an explanation. Apparently the anunnaki were of a heightened spirituality and thus need not partake in the pleasures of the flesh. Such activity would be regressive, Anu explains to Enoch, more or less. Man on the other hand, because he was created a slave species and was mostly of the flesh, could partake in the pleasures of the flesh as part of the overall experience necessary for eventual spiritual evolution.

    So down comes these anunnaki, according to Enoch, who together make a vow to evenly distribute the responsibility for their decision and its outcome. Mating with Earthlings created giants, the biblical Nephilim, and according to Enoch when these giants died, and because they were neither human nor anunnaki, their souls were forced to remain on Earth, wandering as clouds do, but tortured and lost.

    Speaking of lost souls, Hunt for the Skinwalker describes shapeshifters who are greedy and evil and can take whatever form they want, and often do take monstrous forms. According to the book, most cultures tell of evil shapeshifters of one form or another. These shapeshifters often kill using “mind control,” essentially casting spells that inspire their victims to kill or otherwise destroy themselves. Skinwalkers are witches and for a human to become a skinwalker he or she must be “initiated,” according to the book. To be initiated, one must kill a sibling, a relative, a brother or a sister. The killing must be ritualistic.

    This takes us back to the heavens and the patriarch of the original colonizing astronaut “gods” as described by Sitchin. These astronauts too were shapeshifters and could at will, according to Enoch, assume “the likeness of man.”

    Other passages from The Book of Enoch lead one to believe that the evil shapeshifters here are but fallen angels, anunnaki who are here to partake in the ups and downs of the materialistic existence of humans.

    Anu, according to Enoch, has declared that his goal is to wipe the seed of Cain from the face of the Earth. This is another way of saying that a war has been declared between the righteous and the fallen astronauts.

    One will remember that Cain killed his brother. Was Cain thus “initiated” as a skinwalker, a witch, self-serving and greedy?

    Is this what Anu seeks to wipe from the face of the Earth, the greedy cult of the skinwalker? Is the seed of Cain the Satanic component organizations of the Secret Society Complex that seek to control the minds of man so he will destroy himself, that seek to exploit the riches of Earth, that seek to keep mankind a slave species?

    Suddenly the War of the End of the World, the war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness takes on an organic feel.

    It should be noted that Anu tells Enoch that the fallen angels, the Sons of Darkness, the skinwalkers, indeed have some of the sacred secret knowledge of the astronauts but their grasp of it is incomplete. Perhaps this is what G was saying when he told P.D. Ouspensky in In Search of the Miraculous that there was only one form of real magic, one form of real sorcery, that it was indeed positive, and that all seemingly dark magic was a petty attempt to duplicate such, was ineffective and amounted to only deception. That deception is part and parcel to a larger attempt at mind control of the human species, to keep the species in slavery, to keep it on the primitive spiritual plane it now inhabits.

    It turns out that the War of the End of the World, the war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness will be like all other wars in that it won’t be won with bullets on the battlefield. It will be won in the minds of the people.

    Sunday, September 2, 2007

    When the old machine no longer does the job

    Blame the bicameral brain. That’s the machine that cranks out the product: The struggle that is based on division, based on differentiation. The brain is bicameral so what we perceive oftentimes differs drastically from reality due to the brain's natural, innate propensity to divide everything by two. Two eyes each see the world differently due to their different locations in space and time and thus send two separate information packages to the bicameral brain. Same goes for the ears. Then the brain, a house divided, runs its system of checks and balances, each house overseeing the workings of the other.

    And that’s the problem: The seemingly symmetrical duality built into the construct employed by the brain to filter reality. Reality is thus subjected to and broken up and then resynthesized by this duality. That’s the reason for this perpetual exercise in differentiation that leads us to conclusions that amount to nothing short of a collage of illusions, the illusion of you, you who seem so separate and different from me. The exercise in differentiation is what prompts us to constantly decline to embrace the reality defined by Einstein’s unified field theory. And that’s where the problems begin, with each and every one of us indulging in the illusion of you and of me when what differentiates you from me is negligible. In fact we are all one, cut from the same cloth, living out what we erroneously conclude are subjective experiences.