Of course the usual questions now arise. Are the photos real? If so, do they represent alien-made or human-made technology? The person who took the photos included with them crucial information that might answer at least the latter question. Says he, "There's also some writing on this thing, which I didn't recognize (and I read both English and Hindi)."
Both Earthfiles.com and the UFO Casebook have published the photos. On the Earthfiles home page, below the outstanding pictures of the crop circles are at least to entries on the photographs, suggesting that the same aerial object was photographed at two separate times in two separate locations, once in the Lake Tahoe-area on May 5, the other in "Central California" on May 6.
Perhaps coincidentally, after I came across those pics I happened upon this blog discussing the post-disclosure world, a world of the aftermath of the era of the materialist-mindset. The writer basically says in so many words that the degree of human suffering on this planet is directly tied to two things. Foremost is the degree of the pervasiveness of the plague of ignorance rampant on this planet. Also with a direct linear correlation to the degree of human suffering on Earth is the degree to which the materialist-mindset dominates the collective human conscious.
The writer asserts that there is no "unnecessary suffering." This must be the case because it is indeed suffering to the highest degree that will spur us to evolve to the next spiritual or psychic plane, something we must do if the species, if indeed the planet itself, is to survive.
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