Try to imagine a recent instance where a government stood in the face of the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, NATO or the UN and emerged victorious.
When the likes of Gary Hart take the podium and declare the desire to see widespread proclamation and acceptance of the NWO what you are seeing is the manifestation of some sort of superiority complex. Such declarations could be likened to an American diplomat or politico declaring a desire to see widespread overt acceptance of American empire.
In many collegiate political science and history courses students are not taught to see America as an empire and whether or not America is an empire is said to be the subject of debate. In reality there is no debate and the folks in power know well that America is an empire.
I guess this is to say that America is a de facto empire. And the alliance of interests running the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO, NATO and the UN is the de facto NWO.
While some at the helm of the NWO won’t be happy until the masses bow down in unison at their feet, the truth is that the masses are now effectively doing exactly that.
Open for discussion is how the NWO will evolve.
Certainly some folks within the NWO hope it becomes an overt totalitarian autocracy. But since what we’re seeing is single-party rule, that party being the alliance of big bankers, Black Nobility, the Vatican and big business, chances are high that the current form of government at the helm of the NWO will self-destruct without a way of counterbalancing internal corruption. After that we stand a good chance of seeing a one-world government system of the people, by the people, and for the people. One should work for this outcome!
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