Either there is a moratorium on brains at the Associated Press or someone important there wants you to continue to devoutly serve the oracles of the money cult with the rigor of an aspiring disciple.

Many articles come to mind that exemplify this reality. But for the sake of brevity, let’s focus on a dandy that floated Friday and Saturday under the headline “Architect says he’s solved the Great Pyramid mystery."
Sipping his coffee and tentatively envisioning his day to be spent perhaps either ogling the battling gladiators at the coliseum or laboring in the yoke of his corporate master, hunter-gatherer perhaps heaved a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. No need to ponder the possibility that there is more to our existence than meets the eye and thus no reason to change our lives of servitude. The mystery has been solved!
Problem is which mystery. Because there are many, as researcher and journalist Jim Marrs has pointed out in a couple of his major works and in his articles. Bearing in mind that conventional historians funded by the money cult want us to believe that the Great Pyramid was constructed in 2500 B.C., let’s look at an abbreviated list of the mysteries of the Great Pyramid and its simulacrum.
Reports Marrs, “John Anthony West, the author of both travel guides and serious scholarship, claimed vertical erosion can come only from continuous downpours of rain over long periods of time. … West pointed out that no significant rainfall has occurred on the Giza plateau –site of both the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid—since before 10,000 B.C. This can only mean that both structures were built more than seven thousand years prior to the Egyptians, a conclusion conveniently ignored by traditional Egyptologists. … (Scientist) R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz mentioned that Egypt was subjected to devastating rains and floods more than twelve thousand years ago.”
The Great Pyramid was likely inspiration for its lesser and many counterparts, which in many ways pale in comparison with their protocol. “Rising nearly five hundred feet in the air, the Great Pyramid covers thirteen acres of land at its base and is built of stones with an average weight of two and a half tons. Some of the stone blocks weigh amost a hundred tons yet are so well crafted that a single piece of paper cannot be slipped between them.”
Being that the bigger blocks when finished would weigh in excess of 100 tons, it should be presumed that those blocks were taken from slabs of stone weighing far more. Interestingly enough, there are only two land-based cranes in existence that can move about such weights, bringing to light the question of how such giant rocks and the blocks they gave birth to were moved about.
"Another oddity is the lack of written history for the Great Pyramid,” Marrs continued. The pharaoh to whom the pyramid is attributed didn’t mention building it in any of his documents or diaries. Muddying the waters of conventional history afforded to us by the money cult, “other Egyptian documents, such as the Inventory Stela, made it plain that the Great Pyramid was built prior to the” life of the pharaoh who we are now supposed to believe ordered and orchestrated its construction, Cheops. Marrs went on to report that “the Bible, which, theology aside, is a detailed history of the Hebrew people, never mentions work on the pyramid, although they were the slaves of the Egyptians for many years.”
Conventional history, penned to help hunter-gatherer accept the terms of his slavery to the oracles of the money cult, would lead us to believe that the Great Pyramid was built as an elaborate grave for Cheops. Free-thinker Marrs hints at taking off the kid gloves when he reports that “no inscriptions or funteral regalia have been found” in the Great Pyramid. “In fact, as Graham Hancock pointed out, ‘Not a single one of these monuments has ever been found to contain the body of a pharaoh, or any signs whatsoever of a royal burial.’ So what was its purpose?” Brace yourself if you still think the Earth is flat, because all signs point to the possibility that the Great Pyramid is not of this planet, so to speak.
"While theories abound, the most credible involve a connection to the stars. In the 1930s, American architect James A. Kane presented a detailed study that he saw as proof that the three Giza pyramids were built according to geometrical data and surveying principles connected to astronomical observations. The idea that the pyramids’ design was based on the stars has been supported by Egyptologist I.E.S. Edwards and archaeologist Martin Isler. R.O. Faulkner, a translator of the Pyramid Texts, wrote ‘It is well known that the Ancient Egyptians took great interest in the stars … inscribing star-maps and tables in their coffins and tombs … in which the stars were regarded as gods or as the souls of the blessed dead.’” Still much of the design of the Great Pyramid relates to this planet.
Reports Marrs, “Each of the Great Pyramid’s four sides precisely face the four points of the compass with only a one-twelfth degree of variation, which has been explained by the gradual movement of the earth’s axis rather than any mistake on the part of its designer.”
"Also, although there are slight differences due to damage by both man and nature, the height of the Great Pyramid is proportional to the radius of the earth and the perimeter to the circumference.”
"Measurements of the two base halves yield the numbers 365.256 and 365.259, the exact number of days it takes for the earth to complete its orbit of the sun and the time it takes to return to its starting point in the elliptical orbit.”
"More astounding is the fact that during the International Geophysical Year (1957-58) satellite technology established that the earth’s mean polar radius was 150,265,030.4 British inches. One ten-millionth of this distance would be 25,0265 British inches –the exact figure found in three separate measurements inside the Great Pyramid. The number 25,000 also happens to be the distance from the earth to the sun and the number of years in the precessional cycle, the time it takes for the earth to pass through the twelve zodiacal constellations.” No doubt the Great Pyramid is an astounding work of masonry, being that it’s dimensions and geospatial location essentially make it a galactic mile marker that essentially says, “you are here and this is the geophysical nature of here.” Reports Marrs, “Author Peter Lemesurier described the Great Pyramid as 'an architectural symbol for the planet Earth itself.' Let’s look at another example of evidence attesting to this reality.
Marrs writes, “Using the North and South Poles, the equator, and the earth’s center as reference points, the pyramid accurately sections the entire planet into a three-dimensional grid of thirty, sixty, and ninety degrees. Utilizing these grids, any aircraft can successfully navigate from the pyramid to any location on Earth with only a minor deviation. When first built, the Great Pyramid was covered with a reflective casing of fine white limestone, making it highly visible –an excellent aerial navigation marker. In fact, several researchers have determined geometric patterns with the pyramid as the center that they said could indicate ancient flight paths.”
Continuing, Marrs writes, “Furthermore, it is known that the faces of the Great Pyramid are not flat but slightly concave. ‘The most astonishing result of this arrangement is that it pushes back the two half bases of the pyramid by a quarter degree so that the two halves from an angle of ½ degree. This results in a difference of two minutes of solar clock time and could have served the ancient astronomers to set their water clocks or hourglasses to exact solar time,’ wrote Maurice Chatelain, who concluded that the Great Pyramid is a keeper of time among other things.”
"Chatelain said the pyramid also functions as a solar calendar. He produced complicated mathematical formulae based on the Egyptian calendar that he claimed showed correlations to the amazing Antikythera Mechansism. Chatelain also saw the Great Pyramid as an astronomical observatory.”
The three Giza pyramids were aligned with Orion’s Belt. Meanwhile the airshaft of the Great Pyramid aligned with the star cluster in the constellation. Astoundingly they would have aligned perfectly at the year 10,450 B.C.
In the late 1960s Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luis W. Alvarez repeatedly entered the Great Pyramid with a bunch of high tech gadgetry that would supposedly unlock some of the aforementioned secrets, to no avail. The gadgetry worked outside the pyramid. It worked in various buildings around the world. Inside the Great Pyramid, nothing worked. Reports Marrs, “‘As impossible and improbable as it may seem,’ commented Chatelain, ‘apparently the ancient Egyptians must have been capable of predicting the future and setting up radiation barriers against us, impenetrable even to electronic scouting. It looks as if somebody or something thousands of years ago had installed electromagnetic radiation sources in at least one of the pyramids or their vicinity just to prevent the electronic devices of later generations from discovering their hidden secrets.”
Structures similar to the Great Pyramid have been spotted in Mexico, in Central America, on the Moon, on Mars, in the depths of the ocean and even on the back of one dollar bills.
We’ll stop the list here and look at what the AP serves up as the solution to “the Great Pyramid mystery." Or maybe not. The above list cannot be explained away in any way that lands the Great Pyramid in the ranks of other mundane aspects of conventional history, such as the mythical “discovery” of America by an Anglo in the fifteenth century or the whitewashing of the genocide of America’s indigenous population or slavery and its enormous reprocussions. What can be done is what a French archaeologist has done, according to the AP, and that is use a supercomputer to arrive at how ramps might be constructed that would enable the movement of several-ton blocks hundreds of feet in the air using manpower alone.
Certainly the AP didn’t think to ask if Cheops had used the same computer program or at least one similar to that used by the archaeologist when laying out plans for the ramp system, complete with a complex of weights, levers and pulleys to assist in all the lifting and moving.
Truth is it is highly unlikely that human pharaohs using supercomputers and a limitless supply of slaves could have built the Great Pyramid. Instead, the construction of the Great Pyramid should be put into the historical context it belongs. Writes Marrs, “As the similarities of widely spread cultures continue to be appreciated, a pattern of common worldwide connections is emerging. Egyptian legends tell of Tep Zepi, or the First Time, an age when sky gods came down to Earth, raised the land up from under mud and water, flew through the air in flying ‘boats,’ and gave man laws and wisdom through a royal line of pharaohs. It is intriguing to note that these ancient gods displayed very human attributes. They required food and clothing. They liked to imbibe wine and were not above consorting with comely young ladies. Likewise, South American legends tell of white, bearded ‘Viracochas’ who lifted indigenous natives out of ignorance and taught them civilization, producing intricate highways and other wonders. They too lived among the native peoples for a time, eating, bathing, and conducting themselves in a very human way."
Beyond all this is a theory that suggests that it is because of the Great Pyramid that our world is inhabitable to man, a soft-skinned biped armed with a medium-sized cerebral cortex. Marrs asserts that Richard T. Miller, a UFO researcher who made contact with what we would call aliens working for a Galactic Federation “that has been studying and observing the earth for millions of years,” understands that the pyramids in Egypt and elsewhere “were built by aliens as giant ‘motion stabilizers for the planet,’ eliminating a dangerous wobble in its rotation about forty-five thousand years ago. In this account, the pyramids were originally built on the earth’s equator but ended up on the thirtieth degree of north latitude following a prehistoric axis tilt. This shift resulted in the Great Flood of Noah, which nearly exterminated mankind.”
With the threat of the war in the lands that were once ancient Sumer spreading throughout Asia, including to the lands around what’s commonly considered the “cradle of civilization” maybe we will learn the hard way what the Great Pyramid really is.
Someone much wiser than myself once said that unfortunately often we don’t know what we’ve got until its gone. I am confident that were that person alive today he or she might also say that we don’t know anything at all of any pertinence because organizations like the AP, a mouthpiece of the money cult, have cornered the marketplace of ideas.

Text by George Hayduke
Art by Painter
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