We are more than a year out before NASA, acting on behalf of the Illuminati, who are likely annunaki agents, sinks Cassini into Saturns southern pole turning that planet into a star and raining ozone-destroying ejecta onto Earth, which will send the elites into underground bunkers as the masses are wiped out. Then it's off to colonize Titan!
But not so fast. One year out and more and more people are becoming aware of this plot, certainly to the detriment of the plotters.
The movie hitting cyberspace is one development. The second is the emergence of the Sinister Brother Production company onto the scene. And not a minute too soon. Certainly readers and free thinkers should keep an eye on this outfit, which yours truly hopes to be a big part of.
Link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1819639877788572495&q=philip+schneider
Check out this relatively short movie by a former Groom Lake employee named Phil Sneider. He covers a lot of the same stuff that William Cooper covered, namely underground highways, underground bases, menacing underground alien populations, and the reality of the alien agenda domineering us these days.
Personally, I'm wrapping up Sitchin's third book in his Earth Chronicle series, The Wars of Gods and Men. Sitchin, a translator of Sumerian tablets, draws a picture of warlike god "alien" colonizers who landed on Earth some 450,000 years ago, who created man some 300,000 years ago to mine for gold, and who might still be running things here from behind the scenes. Again, the primary point to be taken from this book, I think, is that these "alien" overlords readily resorted to war to solve their problems, both amongst themselves and in the affairs of humans. Certainly we can presume that of course they are more technologically advanced than us, humans. But spiritually they might in fact me inferior to us. Indeed, these "alien" overlords exhibited all the qualities we might attribute to the lowest of our ranks. They were greedy, selfish, calloused, promiscuous, violent and brutally so.
As for advancing my theories this week, I was pleased to come across commentary in this interview with Dan Bursisch. Burisch refers to the "aliens" now immersed in human affairs as evolutionary eventualities springing from the basic "human" mold who have traveled back in time for whatever reason. This of course is logical because to transcend space is to transcend time as well. This subject needs further discussion at some other time.
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