Thursday, July 26, 2007

Post wins award; I take a brief break

I'll be back and doing my routine thing hopefully in a week or so, maybe a bit longer. I've been hosting guests and thus am mostly out of the loop. Meanwhile looks like this blog is now an award-winning blog!

Dig this: "Congratulations! Your nattering have been awarded nutbar post of the day over at my blog. Thanks for the laughs!"

The award was presented by Conspiracy Smasher, who I'm pretty sure isn't going through the back corridors of power smashing conspiracies. Instead he is reportedly smashing conspiracy theories. It's okay. The English language is a tough one.

That said wouldn't it be nice if these debunkers would attack the source of the conspiracy theories and not just the heads of the hydra? We've got a plethora of alphabet agencies operating in total secrecy, which is antithetic to democracy. Secrecy, of course, breeds conspiracy. One might even conclude that these agencies were created with built-in veils of secrecy so that they could hatch premium and successful conspiracies. Ergo, you want me to shut up, do away with the secret security agency apparatus. Otherwise, as long as governmental secrecy is the norm, conspiracy theories will proliferate and nutbars like me will be howling about it all.

When I do get a free moment, I am posting here, here, and here, if you want to get in touch with me.

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