That’s why you will not survive
--Spoon (The Underdog)

”It is not the death of the evildoer that I seek, but that the wicked shall turn from his ways and live,”
The Lord to Ezekiel (33:11)
In his sixth book in the seven-book Earth Chronicle series, The Cosmic Code, Sitchin, a translator of ancient Sumerian texts, starts out by noting the difference between destiny and fate, as those terms were defined by the “gods.”
Destiny is abstract eventualities that are written in the stars and thus out of the control of us humans. Fate is largely circumstantial, results from individual decisions and actions, and is malleable. Fate is not yet written but instead we are writing it as we go.
Former ONI agent and businessman William Cooper in one of his many speeches said that he fully understood that a one-world government system was inevitable. What he wanted, he said, was to be a volunteer and not a slave.
This brings us to an important point. The NWO will be a communist dictatorship running a global labor camp populated by automatons in an environmentally trashed world of waning resource supplies. More desirable is a one-world government system that has abandoned materialism, that uses the Internet fully as a primary means of democratic action, that fully empowers the individual who embraces the fact that he is a spiritual being enjoying a temporary material existence. Face it, if the Truth were to be readily embraced from birth onward there would be no need for government as we know it, we would have more than enough resources to live a happy and fulfilling minimalist existence where the soul is actuated and human evolution of the mind moves in leaps and bounds within the lifetime as mankind moves from being comprised of Earthlings to being comprised of universal beings on par in character and mind with the original colonizing extraterrestrial “gods” of this planet.
The destiny is a one-world system. But our fate, or how it comes into place and what form it will take, is up to us.
1 comment:
YOU are my destiny.
Best blog yet!
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