False-flag psy-op prior to the nuclear bombing of Sodom
Sitchin, in The Wars of Gods and Men, third book in the Earth Chronicles series, relates how Marduk, son of Enki, in coming out of exile was pushing his army towards Nippur circa 2045 B.C. when he garnered the wrath of the some bigwig Anunnaki for something he didn’t do.
Indeed, Ninurta, progeny of Enlil, who was the half brother and adversary of Enki, needed all the help he could get to prevent Marduk from taking the city. Enter: Erra, Ninurta’s ally. Erra leads his army to trash Ekur, a temple honoring Enlil.
News of the destruction reaches Enlil, who essentially commanded gold mining and colonization operations in Mesopotamia and on Earth in general. Enlil hauls it to Nippur. “‘Riding in front of him were gods clothed in radiance’; he himself ‘set off brilliance like lightning’ as he came down from the skies; ‘he made the holy place shake’ as he descended to the sacred precinct. Enlil then addressed his son, ‘the prince Ninurta,’ to find out who had defiled the sacred place. But instead of telling the truth, that it was Erra, his ally, Ninurta pointed the accusing finger at Marduk and his followers.” (p. 323)
This false-flag operation threw into motion the machinations that immediately led to the nuclear bombing of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Other “alien” involvement in running the labor camp Earth
Also in The Wars of Gods and Men Sitchin mentions for the first time another type of “alien” “god.” While I am debating this on another message board, it would seem that based on the context in which the references are found it is at least possible that the Mesopotamian texts on the bombing of Sodom and Gomorrah also document communications revealing the existence, role and importance of another species of “alien” in the running the Earth colonization project.
Quote 1: Note: The context is the deliberations amongst the elite Anunnaki prior to the bombing of Sodom and Gomorrah. "... Ninurta had made clear to Nergel/Erra that the weapons could be used only against specifically approved targets; that before they could be used, the Annunaki gods at the selected sites and the Igigi gods who manned the space platform and the shuttlecraft had to be warned; ..." (p. 327)
Quote 2: Note: The context is the timeline at the end of the book. "Nergel then agreed to giving advance warning to the Anunnaki and Igigi who manned the space facilities, ..." (p. 345)
Quote 3: Note: The context is also the timeline at the end of the book. "Gaining support of the Igigi, Alalu's grandson attempts to seize mastery over Earth." (p. 345)
One explanation I’ve received thus far is: “The Igiggi were merely the ‘astronauts’ of the Anunnaki, operating their Earth-orbiting space station and the shuttles between the space station and Earth -and likely the shuttles to and from Niburu.”
My response was: “Are you saying that the Igigi gods are also Anunnaki gods? No caste system has been made apparent in the books before and no bureaucratization of roles has been mentioned. For example, the genetics lab workers were referred to the same way the rest were. Same goes for the miners. But you would have me believe that the astronauts, the pilots, received special recognition?” In other words, thus far into his books, and I’m moving through the fourth book, the Anunnaki gods all go by the same title. I believe that the reference to the Igigi gods might well be another species of “alien” gods. (The discussion)
Cain’s progeny in Mesoamerica
In The Lost Realms, the fourth book in the Earth Chronicles, Sitchin argues that when Cain was banished for slaying his brother, he took his family to Mesoamerica, where Anunnaki-run gold-mining operations were underway. The bible mentions that Cain’s son Enoch had a city built in his name. Sitchin holds that it became customary for the peoples of Mesoamerica to begin their proper nouns and words with the letter “t,” therefore Enoch’s city was Tenochtitlan. He then goes on to describe the mark of Cain.
“And, in view of the particular genetic trait of the Amerindians –the absence of facial hair— one wonders whether it was this genetic change that was the ‘mark of Cain’ and his descendants. If our guess is right, then Mesoamerica, as a focal point from which Amerindians spread north and south in the New World, was indeed the Lost Realm of Cain.” (p. 42)
Icke’s Reptilians and the Serpent Gods
Mesoamerica’s first gods were serpent gods, with Quetzalcoatl being a winged serpent. Again this dovetails with Icke’s theory that a species of extradimensional shape-shifting reptilians have been controlling Earth and the happenings thereon since it was a barren rock.
Writes Sitchin, “In addition to Quetzalcoatl, the Nahuatl pantheon was replete with deities associated with serpents. Cihuacoatl was the ‘Serpent Female.’ Coatlicue was ‘the one with the skirt of serpents.’ Chicomecoatl was ‘Seven Snake.’ Ehecacoamixtli was the ‘Cloud of wind snakes,’ and so on. The great god Tlaloc was frequently depicted with the mask of a double serpent.” (p. 64)
Labor camp on Nile discovered
Archaeologists have discovered the remnants of what they are calling a “gold processing center,” which was set up like a big, open-air factory on the Nile that dates back to 2000 B.C., when that area was known as Kush.
Thing is the processing center was exactly that, a big labor camp without all the trappings and underpinnings of civilization.
“‘The Kingdom of Kush was unusual in that it was able to use the tools of power military and governance without having a system of writing, an extensive bureaucracy or numerous urban centers,’ Embergling said,” according to Science Daily.
Perhaps the place was essentially an Anunnaki-run satellite factory with the sole purpose of cranking out gold and to look for the remnants of a human social structure or culture is incongruous with the reality laid out in tablets found in what used to be Sumer, tablets that tell of the “alien” gods who invented man to mine gold. (Read the story.)
NASA in the depths of the ocean below the pole?
A “Science Daily” story with the headline “New robotic vehicles will hunt for life and hydrothermal vents on arctic seafloor” relates how NASA is apparently highly interested in the findings of explorations of sub-polar ice waters.
“Some scientists, including program managers and scientists from the NASA Astrobiology Program, have been keenly interested in the possibility that Gakkel Ridge may harbor life forms and environmental conditions consistent with primordial Eath or other watery planets,” the site reports.
Though this may certainly be the case, it is worth noting that it is possible that the real reason NASA is funding the mission and paying attention is because of the numerous UFO sitings at the poles.
Meanwhile, those that believe that the Earth is hollow hold that openings may be found at the poles. Science Daily adds fuel to that fire when it reports, “Scientists also found that large sections of the Earth’s mantle appear to be deposited directly onto the seafloor along the Gakkel Ridge.”
Combine the belief that Earth, the moon and many of the other planets are hollow with the implications of all the reported UFO sightings at Earth’s poles and you get the idea that UFOs are gaining access to Earth’s hollows through entrances at the poles, which is probably why “major funding for the (polar seafloor exploration) expedition and for vehicle development was provided by … the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.” (Read the story.)
I have probably misspelled Anunnaki a billion times. I hope to reign in this mistake I repeat so readily and almost pathologically. Apologies to whomsoever the misspelling of Anunnaki offends.
Check out my movie on the Lucifer Project: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5881074101525330894&q=lucifer+project&total=45&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=6
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