Greys show their metaphorical hands to abductees regularly, according to numerous sources.
Project Camelot would have us believe that the Greys are running a reeducation boot camp in space wherein abductees are basically instilled with fear of a polluted world.
They are shown that Earth is dying.
What’s important to this writer is what they are not shown.
Gross, systematic and widespread environmental decline is but a head of the hydra. There are many more: Probable accidental global nuclear holocaust, false flag black psy ops, war in general, poverty and general inequity, peak oil, peak topsoil, on and on.
Certainly we can all take up swords and start lopping off heads one by one but wouldn’t it be much more fruitful to strike at the heart of the beast?
It would be if you were concerned with the fate of the human species. If you wanted to see mankind evolve to the next psychic or spiritual plane then you might prod him to stop fighting hydra heads and help him land a death blow to the real monster: Deception on behalf of the most powerful institutions. Deception in the form of proliferation of lies, half truths and misinformation. Deception in the form of secrecy. Deception as an crucial part of mass mind control.
Now if you were an alien and you wanted to help out an up and coming species of hominoids by revealing to them the extent to which they’ve been deceived what would you reveal to your abductees, taken in the night in their sleep? Would you reveal to them the Truth about 9/11? How about the Truth about the most prominent assassinations of the 1960s and 1970s, from the Kennedys to King to Fred Hampton to Malik El Shabazz. These lessons would be mind altering. They would shift paradigms.
Instead the Greys program their abductees to fret over the environment.
One might conclude that the Greys really are showing their hand here. They are not at all concerned about the fate of mankind. No, instead they simply have their eyes on the prize. They want Earth! And they’re worried that as we wipe ourselves out we’re going to take the planet with us.
Dan Burisch clearly would like to be the guy that inspires legions of UFO buffs to rewrite their ideas of what they Greys are and why the are here, on and on. But his accounts are filled with contradictions. Take for example his take on 9/11. His view of the meaning of 9/11 was supposedly shaped by a brief glance at what he describes to be an alien crystal ball. But the meaning he gives 9/11 completely contradicts the facts that diligent 911T researchers have uncovered. He also wants us to believe that the Greys are our buddies with our best interests in mind as they coach the military along, despite their record as slicers, dicers and brainwashers of abductees. Ergo we can only boil Burisch’s account down to its bones.
The bones reveal that the military is in cahoots with the Greys and has been engaged in an exchange program with them. That’s about all this writer is willing to take from Burisch.
Certainly now a clear picture should begin to emerge. The Greys are in cahoots with the biggest killing machine on the face of and in the history of the Earth, the U.S. military. They say nothing of government conspiracies to their abductees. And they fret openly over what’s going to happen to the precious Earth as we destroy ourselves.
Alas it appears only safe to conclude what Greenfield, Commander X, Karla Turner and others have concluded. The Greys are likely malevolent. This writer will go so far as to say that they are here with an agenda that was revealed to Enoch when he had his little tour of the heavens.
“I beheld the angels of punishment, who were dwelling there, and preparing every instrument of Satan. Then I inquired of the angel of peace, who proceeded with me, for whom those instruments were preparing. He said: These they are preparing for the kings and powerful ones of the Earth, that by this they may perish.” (I Enoch, 52: 3, 4, 5)
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