Monday, August 27, 2007

Links: Nazis to bomb Amerika, perhaps on Labor Day

The risk now is that Bush's minions are abandoning their positions en masse because a major “terror event” is on the horizon and afterwords the work load for them would increase exponentially. Inside sources suggest Bush has issued an ultimatum: Get out by Labor Day or you are in it to win it! Indeed, it now appears highly possible that Labor Day, 9/3, will be the fateful day, the day of the next major "terror event" here, wherein travel infrastructure will be targeted to enable the military to carve up the nation when the time comes. Just like the so-called insurgents, many of whom you can bet are on the U.S. payroll, have been blowing up bridges in Iraq, so it will be here, and thus limit the options for the citizenry for moving about, making us easier to control. We know that 9 and 3 are magic numbers for the secret society complex and Will Cooper warned us that the Great Constitutional Patriot Roundup and Extermination will kick off on a holiday, when many patriots are at home, tired from celebrating and perhaps half lit on this country's socially-accepted mind-altering substance, booze. Also, Labor Day is definitely a "bridge holiday," when people go to rivers and beaches to watch fireworks shot from bridges into the water. When the dots are connected, this is the picture that becomes apparent: A September Surprise could be in the hopper and Labor Day is the first magical day of the month. Bridges will be targeted and history will reveal that the collapse of the bridge in Minnesota and the explosion that damaged the one in San Fran were dry runs for the "event."

Read the following links and decide for yourself if the resignation of Rove, Snow and Gonzales is something worth celebrating or not.

Quote of the day: "The Bush regime says it is going to designate part of Iran's military -- the Revolutionary Guards -- a terrorist organization, whose bases and facilities Bush intends to bomb along with Iran's nuclear energy sites. Three US aircraft carrier strike forces are deployed off Iran. B-2 Stealth bombers are being fitted to carry 30,000 pound "bunker-buster" bombs to use against hardened sites. Politicized US generals assert that Iran is providing arms and aid to the Iraqi resistance to the US occupation. The media are feeding the US population the same propaganda about nonexistent Iranian weapons of mass destruction that they fed us about nonexistent Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. A former CIA Middle East field officer, Robert Baer, has written in Time magazine that the Bush regime has decided to attack the Revolutionary Guards within the next six months. Remember the "cakewalk war"? Well, this time the neocons think that an attack on the Revolutionary Guards will free Iran from Islamic influence and cause Iranians to back the US against their own government." --Paul Craig Roberts

Links: Chatter indicates “terror event” targeting West Coast infrastructure

Only market crash due to “terror event” could cover billion dollar Wall Street bet

Gubbermint posturing indicates fully dynamic war-stance taken

FYI: It is the opinion of this writer that open war with Iran will lead to the military defeat of America abroad and the ultimate destruction of its government at home. That, of course, is what Bush was tasked with all along: Destroying Amerika. Mission accomplished.

Confused? Don't worry. This is all part of a much bigger plan that can be traced back to the dawn of "human history." The New World Order, when it arrives, will be free of corruption, venality, dishonesty, graft, deception and greed. And hopefully, we the people, will be at its head. If not, then the Illuminati have a "king" lined up for us. It will be either of the two, because as our destiny has been written, we are in charge of writing our fate.

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