To survive in this place will require the highest degree of discipline, righteous moral codes and an absolute utter lack of compassion for weakness and vice. This is the truth.
If it is a world void of resources it is a world that affords the individual limited means of expression and thus current ideas of freedom will be rendered obsolete.
Because there will be minimal resources to give to our current standard means of self-expression pride will have no place. When pride goes, so goes vanity, which is tied to the illusory sense of individuality, which stems from our current standard means of expression.
Also, along with pride and in accordance with the realities of living in a world void of resources, out the window goes the general sense of entitlement so many so lazily entertain. Without that there is no place for lust. And if you have no resources you certainly cannot allow gluttony.
When you eradicate these drives and behaviors you eliminate vengeance and wrath and where does that leave us?
It leaves us in a world where the excesses of today are indeed history.
This is the world for which the Illuminati has planned. The reality of this world will mandate that mankind exploits the resources of other planets to ensure its survival here and wherever else it spreads its seed. This will require a space program of immense proportions. If anything requires strict discipline it is space travel.
This brings us to you, gentle reader. For today you face a very real choice. The Illuminati do not believe that you are capable of living a disciplined life, a life void of corruption and true to the highest morals. The Illuminati believes that you will have to be programmed to live like that and it will require computer chips being inserted into your brain and draconian law and rule enforcement. It is useless to bring forward the emotional connotations tied to terms like autocracy and totalitarianism because what we are talking about is survival. Nothing more. Nothing less. That being the case the means certainly justify the ends, as the Illuminati repeats incessantly in the Protocols of the Wise Elders of Scion.
The Illuminati see mankind for what he is. He is driven by selfishness, fear and laziness, from which the aforementioned seven deadly sins arise. So they have developed a plan to govern mankind so that it, as a species, will survive.
Mankind has two options and this brings us again to your choice. You can either choose to continue doing what you do and being what you are, which is a being that actively contributes to a system that values profits and material possessions over people, over souls. Or you can choose to be something different.
You can choose to value the truth. You can choose to live by the highest of moral codes, to actually apply the golden rule as espoused by Jesus Christ, one of the illumined members of the Illuminati. You can choose to value the brotherhood of mankind, to embrace it fully. You can choose to embrace your infinite love for all of your brothers and sisters.
The reality is you can either accept reality, that the world has given all it can give and is dying and can no longer support us living how we live, or you can be enslaved to those who do accept this reality.
Either way we enter a New World Order. One where either man is free or he is a slave. I hope you choose to abandon your fears and step up to the challenge of embracing your freedom.
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