“People who experience an abundance of love in their lives rarely seek solace in compulsive, exclusionary personal acquisition. For the emotionally deprived, no extreme of materialistic indulgence can ever be enough, and the material world becomes insufficient to our wants. A world starved of love becomes one of material scarcity. In contrast, a world of love is also one of material abundance. When we are spiritually whole and experience the caring support of community, thrift is a natural part of a full and disciplined life. That which is sufficient to one’s needs brings a fulfilling sense of nature’s abundance.
”The implications are profound. Our seemingly insatiable quest for money and material consumption is in fact a quest to fill a void in our lives created by a lack of love.” -- David Korten, “When Corporations Rule the World,” page 237
”Inasmuch as social and parental authority tend to break his will, spontaneity, and independence, the child, not being born to be broken, fights against the authority represented by his parents; he fights for his freedom not only from pressure, but also for his freedom to be himself, a full-fledged human being, not an automaton. … The scars left from the child’s defeat in the fight against irrational authority are to be found at the bottom of every neurosis.” -- Erich Fromm, “Man for Himself,” p. 161
”Mankind will look back on these centuries as the truly dark ages of instinctual man: When men killed each other for illusory gain based upon the idea that it is possible to gain anything in a world in which we have no permanent home.” --- The Greatly Honored Brother P-Achad-O (as quoted in Allen H. Greenfield’s “Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts”)
It seems now almost every progressive moment is forecasting a major paradigm shift that will free man from his shackles and will usher in a new era, the era of universal man, the era of man who lives in harmony with the Earth and the cosmos, the era of man who shuns his instincts and superficial desires to live according to his will.
The Environmental Movement calls for it. It declares that the Earth is dying and that we are living through a manmade mass-extinction event. It declares that as the Earth ecosystem dies and as mankind continues to shape the face of the Earth by cutting down trees, paving over everything, depleting and otherwise destroying the topsoil and pumping the atmosphere full of carbon gases, the climate will change making life on the surface of Earth more difficult if not impossible.
The paradigm shift the Environmentalists are calling for will be represented by a birth in awareness that our current way of life is not only unsustainable, but is incredibly destructive on so many levels. In the new paradigm as ushered in by Environmentalists mankind will realize that it is at least in part of the Earth, not apart from it. In the new paradigm the man verses nature subplot in survival will be abandoned and replaced by a vision adopted by the masses of solidarity with the planet, our home.
The Peacenik Movement now must merge with the Anti-Globalist Movement being that it is becoming increasingly apparent that it is enormous corporations that are both behind and conducting the spreading war, whose nexus is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The new paradigm as ushered in by the Peacenik Movement will embrace the reality that war is nothing but an economic flywheel by which a debtor government destroys its creditors, largely its citizenry. The new paradigm as ushered in by the Peacenik Movement will embrace the reality that war only benefits the elites while destroying the working class and poor. The new paradigm will embrace the reality that governments exist solely to arbitrate the war as enacted by the haves against the have-nots. Ergo, when we do away with material possessions, we will do away with the war between the haves and the have-nots, a war which manifests itself in many ways.
The new paradigm as ushered in by the UFO-buffs will be one that embraces and enacts the use of telepathy and teleportation as it is a function of the freed mind. In this new paradigm man will make use of an infinite supply of totally free energy that comprises the ambient air and ether. In this new paradigm man will be a universal being living in a universal community in harmony with its denizens.
The new paradigm ushered in by the 911 Truth Movement will be one that embraces the unfettered access of Truth to the marketplace of ideas. It will be one of worldwide democracy of man being that that is the natural offshoot of Truth reaching and percolating through the marketplace of ideas. For far too long man has been ruled by use of secrecy and deception by the elites. In the new paradigm universal acceptance and embrace of the Truth will determine the course of events and the trajectory along which mankind marches, not awkward lies and comfortable illusions that pander to mankind’s fear and unnatural inclination towards laziness.
The question arises of when we can expect this sort of paradigm shift and what form it will take. Some think that the shifting of the poles will affect the Earth’s electromagnetic field and this will change how we perceive the world.
I think the shift is underway. And I think that the form it will take will be the absolute failure of every institution to which we are now subservient. Those institutions will fall like dominoes, and soon.
First to fall will likely be the world Money Cult economy, built on blind faith in alchemic finance and valueless money-data. This is underway and is moving at a nice clip.
When the Money Cult economy fails, the government will fail.
But most importantly is the next domino. Organized religion will be the next to fail the brotherhood of man. People expecting the apocalypse or rapture to rise from the chaos of the absurd war in the Mideast as such has been prophesized in the bible are going to be let down when this does not occur, when they find out that elites have been scripting world events to take on the appearance of occurring in accords with the prophecies of the Bible with the intent of marginalizing billions of Christians, Jews and Moslems.
The failures of these institutions can be likened to a near-death experience. The pain will be thorough. But it will have a transformative aspect and those that survive will be blessed with a new awareness, the awareness of the new paradigm, an awareness that can be likened to that picked up by someone who experiences death and comes back to see the world differently. When we, as a family, experience this, we will be permanently changed and there will be no going back to the way we are now.
Because that is what happens when we learn some things the hard way. That’s what happens when we learn the hard way that the Environmentalists were right. That’s what happens when we learn the hard way that the 911 Truthers were right. That’s what happens when we learn the hard way that the Peaceniks and Anti-Globalists were right. That’s what happens when we learn the hard way that the UFO-buffs were right.
What happens is we either get wiped out, or we evolve. And to evolve is to choose to evolve. Make that choice today.
Let’s close by looking at a couple more quotes on this subject.
Peace; be --GH
”Eighty five percent of the souls upon this plane have lived on Maldek and this is the Luciferian consciousness that is being worked off as part of Earth’s karma. This entire money-changing trip is but a replay of the memory of the action that occurred on Maldek wherein beings were categorized, numbered and enslaved.” -- Commander X, “Underground Alien Bases,” p. 10, 11
”All things move into and out of Manifestation in the three dimensions. Where does form come from? Mind built it and will change it according to the need for change. The object lost to three dimensions still holds to form on another plane. To know this and know that we know it, is to escape much sorrow when forms – of cherished things, beloved persons – vanish from the world of our sense of perceptions.” -- Commander X, “Underground Alien Bases,” p. 15
“The irrational fear of death results from the failure of having lived. … To die is poignantly bitter, but the idea of having to die without having lived is unbearable.” -- Erich Fromm, “Man for Himself,” p. 166
agree with much that you said here but here's a thought - you say religions will change - I say they don't belong in the new paradigm at all and should die and take their bullshit with them - what do you say? Perhaps that perspective is too alienating but I have seen some of the greatest minds become twisted and death ridden from this crap that passes itself off as truth...its heartbreaking really...any thoughts?
I say you are right on both accounts. Religion as an institution of political socialization will have no place in the new paradigm. Spirituality will, though. And yes, the search for the Truth is truly devastating.
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