“Prophecies of doom are heard today with increasing frequency. While they have the important function of drawing attention to the dangerous possibilities in our present situation they fail to take into account the promise which is implied in man’s achievement in the natural sciences, in psychology, in medicine and in art. Indeed, these achievements portray the presence of strong productive forces which are not compatible with the picture of a decaying culture. Our period is a period of transition. The Middle Ages did not end in the fifteenth century, and the modern era did not begin immediately afterward. End and beginning imply a process which has lasted over four hundred years – a very short time indeed if we measure it in historical terms and not in terms of our life span. Our period is an end and a beginning, pregnant with possibilities.” -- Erich Fromm, Man for Himself, p. 250
Shortly before I quit posting on 911Truth message boards I foisted a poll on one asking if Truthers would be willing to exchange Truth for amnesty. The results showed an even divide between those willing to make such a trade and those bent on revenge. Of course the latter were the more vocal and attempted to shout down my primary argument, that 911 wasn’t an aberration, that it went down exactly as it did because we are exactly as we are, that the conspiracy spanned decades, and that it was but one of a long line of false flag events dotting history. Ultimately history will prove that the false flag psy op that was 911 was but a symptom of a structural weakness in our society, that of the individual suppressing his will to honor that of an authority. It matters not what the authoritative institution may be. It could be the government, a branch of organized religion, establishment history, or establishment science. With all of these authoritative institutions the individual is expected to deny his awareness of certain Truths and embrace certain falsehoods if he is to be embraced by the system. To do otherwise is to be rejected by the system.
While all of these authoritative institutions embody glaring contradictions and falsehoods, the most blatant fraud ever perpetrated against man to date is the Official Government Conspiracy Theory on 911. For example, one of hundreds, the official take on why Building Seven fell is beyond laughable.
Therefore 911 can be treated as the current combustion chamber of the machine that devours men’s souls to produce perceived wealth and perceived power. To blow open the myth that is the OGCT911 is to dump sugar into the gas tank of that machine. To do this we need insiders to come forward with the Truth. We need them to come forward now and we need them to come forward en masse.
This can happen only if the 911TM begins an orchestrated effort to establish the frameworks of nationwide Truth and Reconciliation Committees and Panels whereby Truth will be exchanged for amnesty. There will be no criminal prosecution of those insiders who come forward and disclose the entire Truth as they know it.
The Truth will end all wars and will forever change the way we treat each other. Those that seek simply criminal prosecution of the conspirators and then a return to supposed normal life afterwards are myopic and fail to see the meaning of 911.
911TM leaders should openly and in an organized fashion express desire to see not another investigation, but the establishment of a means by which insiders can unload without facing repercussions. Those insiders were as much victims of the abovementioned machine as were the people who died in the towers. Until we realize this, those insiders will resist rolling over on their pals and we stand to see only the acceleration of the machine that brought us 911.
Trade Truth for amnesty now!
Good idea, but I think one needs to use a bigger carrot than amnesty to get the perps to come
forward with what they know.
what happened to your youtube account?
did the lucifer project strike a chord with someone?
are your vids available elsewhere?
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