Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Lucifer Project and evolution, pt. 2

Why is this article on The Lucifer Project the missing piece to the puzzle revealing the big picture sought by conspiracy theorists? Because it explains many events, phenomena and much of the behavior of the immediate servants and technocrats of the illuminated elites in the public sphere. In this blog, presuming that Saturn can indeed be turned into a star and that Cassini has the capacity to do this I’ll address four of the main issues that directly or subliminally surfaced in the above link: Exotic/alien technology and government secrecy, underground bases/cities, Masonry and the forecasts of military remote viewers. Much more needs of course to be addressed and likely will be at some later point elsewhere when I catch up on my research.

In 1947 what we would call an “alien” spacecraft crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. A number of people witnessed the crash, saw the wreckage and bodies and were silenced as part of a belated government cover-up of the confiscation of the wreckage and the autopsy of the aliens. Many of the eyewitnesses were either in law enforcement and the military. Two were essentially nuns. Thus we should not presume that the event is the product of some sort of mass-psychosis or some sort of playful hoax. Instead we should conclude two basic things. In 1947 the government got its hands on “alien” technology and henceforth issued lies and half-truths about it. It should be noted that shortly after the crash in Roswell, the government established its various secret security agencies, the CIA et al.

So for sixty years at least we can presume that the government has been working with “alien” technology. That is an incredible span of time. The Manhattan Project spanned four years, for example, and gave birth to functional nuclear weaponry. One must ask oneself that in the course of sixty years, what new toys and technology has been created based on what was confiscated in Roswell? And where is that technology? Perhaps not coincidentally many UFO buffs now say that roughly half of the UFOs spotted these days, and there are several seen each night, are U.S. military UFOs.

Also we know that something incredible and shrouded in secrecy happened during the Philadelphia Project that may well have amounted to time/extradimensional travel. Again, this was a secret government operation that occurred more than sixty years ago and resulted in what many would consider a space-age event.

It can therefore be argued that the government or a secretive offshoot of the government has possession of technology and knowledge that might enable colonization of, for example, the moon or a moon of Saturn.

Similarly it has been mentioned in more than a few articles that the government has expansive underground military bases. In fact, during the events of 9/11, a Republican shadow government was ferreted to one of these underground bases where continuity of government mechanisms were carried out for a span of weeks. Paul Thompson’s timeline states that on 9/11 “approximately 100 midlevel officials are moved to underground bunkers and stay there 24 hours a day. Presumably among them are a number of FAA managers, members of a designated group of “shadow” managers, who slip away from their usual activities around midday. Officials rotate in and out of the shadow government on a 90-day cycle. When its existence is later revealed, some controversy will arise because the shadow government includes no Democrats.” Many conspiracy theory researchers have invested substantial time and energy into proving that extensive, elaborate and interconnected underground government and military bases are operational worldwide. I am no expert on the subject but have found numerous sources documenting that the government is prepared to operate out of underground bunkers built into the sides of mountains and elsewhere and indefinitely if necessary.

One must therefore conclude that if Saturn imploded and turned into a star and its ejecta were to rain down on Earth, stripping her of her ozone, a tiny percentage of the population, largely the elites, people that are essentially their worker drones and the military, will have a place to go to survive however long they have to unscathed.

The Masons are the foot soldiers of the Priori of Scion, which may represent the topmost row of bricks below the illuminated eyeball atop the Great Pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill in your wallet. A brief summary of the history of mankind will elucidate the role of these two organizations. At least 450,000 years ago what we would call “aliens” came to Earth and 150,000 years later completed a multi-phase genetic modification regime that ended with what is basically modern man, who was programmed to be a slave, to be gold-mining livestock for the “alien” colonizers, who were very mortal and in many ways very human. These “aliens” built the Great Pyramid to stabilize Earth and to serve as a roadmap for other “aliens” who might happen upon this location in the universe. These “aliens,” who likely, according to ancient texts and legend, fired up the sun, parted the waters and raised the earth, also created kings, who were mostly “alien” and partly human, such as Gilgamesh, to serve as liaisons between the livestock and the colonizers and to oversee the gold-mining. Once they had their fill of gold, which has incredible tangible properties, the “aliens” shoved off, leaving behind a few agents and the kings to continue gathering gold. Over time the godliness was bred from the kings and the knowledge the “alien” colonizers invested in the kings fell into the hands of a select few elites, probably the lineage of the kings, who formed stratified secret societies that have tried, with some degree of success, to control the destiny of mankind since. Most important of these societies was the Priori of Scion, who were tasked with protecting the bloodline of the king of the Judaic tribe of David, who was also tied by blood to the kingship of the tribe of Benjamin. Jesus Christ was one manifestation of this bloodline and, despite the assertions of Rome and elsewhere, he likely survived the crucifixion, which was a staged hoax, and his bloodline was moved to Southern France where it spread and has survived to this day under the protection of the Priori of Scion, which has been populated by various elites from around the world. The various degrees of Masonry serve the Priori of Scion, to which the original Protocols of the Elders of Zion should be attributed.

To sum, the direct bloodline of one of the “alien” colonizers is also a descendant of Jesus and is alive and well on this planet, awaiting the right time to assume his role at the top of the power pyramid, to assume the throne in a New World Order, a new order of the ages like the words in latin below the pyramid on the dollar say, governed by a one-world government.

One can therefore argue that The Lucifer Project, if successful, is consistent with a Masonic plan to return Jesus to the thrown of mankind, who will become subterranean, while at the same time replacing with one of their ilk the “creator of the universe,” a mortal no doubt very similar to us and who may have died at some point while out creating solar systems similar to ours elsewhere that would also feature worlds dominated by the materialist-mindset and thus bent on an eternal mission of gold-gathering. The system will have, upon the completion of The Lucifer Project, perpetuated itself for at least yet another cycle and will have fulfilled prophecies from ancient texts dating back to the creation of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid. And, based on history, we can presume that Titan will be colonized by human-gods from Earth, flying in “alien” vessels based on ones that crashed here and were confiscated over the years, and who will seek first and foremost to acquire the gold of that world and will instill a system upon the people it plants there that will ensure this, the system of the materialist-mindset, likely complete with kings and all the brutality of our history here, on Earth.

All of this coming to fruition would also fulfill prophecies of various former military remote viewers. According to Jim Marrs these viewers, by engaging in practices similar to those utilized by Nostradamus, shared visions for the future. They saw man living underground and in bubbles, working to repair the ozone which had been utterly destroyed. The juggernaut variable is that these viewers also shared a vision of “aliens,” including the commonplace “grays,” working side by side with humans to accomplish this. Go figure. This becomes sensible when one considers that what we’re referring to “aliens” are the evolutionary successors of humans who have traveled through time as well as space and likely dimensions to get here to ensure the survival of humans here for various reasons and motives. I would delve into this further, but for the sake of brevity will adjourn this discussion, promising to return to it later.

Clearly, one dismisses the assertions of The Lucifer Project at his or her own peril. Remember the signs are all there that the human species in general, based on its behavior, which is to say based on the direction the elites in leadership positions are taking it, is ready to scrap this experiment called existence. With information on The Lucifer Project at hand, one might decide that because mankind is on the verge of moving from the to-have, materialistic mindset to the to-be mindset, those that have benefited most from a world dominated by the materialistic-mindset are now poised to pull the carpet from beneath everybody, hit the lights and dash through and lock the exits on their way to set up camp elsewhere.

In my next major blog on this subject I will discuss what we must do to thwart these plans, if that is at all even possible at this point.

--George Hayduke

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