I think all Masons are
Satanists; Satanism being the worship of the being
that created the world to run in accords with the
materialist-mindset. One of the key aspects of the
article is that we have the technology to create a
sun. A sun! So perhaps our sun was created in such a
manner, by a being, a mortal being very similar to you and I in many ways, that was cast off from his home
planet, a physical place in many ways similar to Earth, for deciding that he was the equivalent of God
because of what he knew. So he came here and created
the Sun, the Earth and man in his image; happenings
we've always attributed to God when in fact they were
carried out by an intelligent reject of a more evolved
society from another world/time/dimension, perhaps even this world except in the distant future.
Here's how I'm piecing it together.
With his mind alone man has the ability to transcend
space and time. But it takes work, lots of work. Sometimes it requires starving and otherwise exhausting the body. A
shortcut exists though, in gold, which can be used to
repair the ozone and when converted to a monatomic
substance and ingested gives one powers and longevity.
What this means is that there is a material substance
that when taken properly makes one equivalent to a
"god." The dude who discovered this on some distant
planet in some distant time was banished for it,
because by putting value on gold for the obvious
reasons he promoted both laziness and distrust/fear. By embracing his "discovery" of gold he, in the blink of an eye transformed the world in which he existed into one that embraced the to-have, as opposed to the perviously prevailing to-be, mindset, which created a caste of beings referred to as the "haves," who immediately became embroiled in a war against the "have-nots" to maintain their status. Accordingly government was established because government and the act of governing exist only to protect the status and posessions of the "haves" against the "have-nots." To sum government exists only to mediate the war between the "haves" and the "have-nots." Now this distant and very real physical world inhabited by a spiritually advanced civilization of mortals had lived through a history very similar to ours. In fact it could be argued that this world is our world, in the distant future, and their history is really ours. The inhabitants of this world, banished this gold-hording dude.
Traveling though space/time/dimensions, he came here. Fired up the sun. Raised the land and
parted the waters and created man in his image to mine
gold for him. He created kings to serve as liasons
between his human farm and him and to oversee the
mining of gold. He passed on to these kings the
information he had about the universe that equipped
him to make the sun and to make gold make them
powerful. And I think he departed from here, realizing
that the system he instilled, one that employs kings
and is based on the materialist-mindset that puts a
faith-based premium on gold, was too brutal for even
him. So he split with his gold, vowing to return for
more gold later. He left behind his agents, who fought
amongst themselves, divided man up and pitted their
armies one against another and forever in an attempt
to pocket the most gold to buy favors from "him" when
"he" returned. Thus we have a system of the
materialist-mindset which invokes the subsystem of
perpetual war, which is to prompt the moving-about of
gold reserves into and out of the pockets of the
competing illuminated elites/kings/agents. In short,
"he" unleashed hell on this earth to his benefit.
Here's the deal, though. When properly taking
monatomic gold one is empowered of course with all
these abilities, including, for example, time travel, but only temporarily. The Truth is
that only through exercises of the mind, the mind being the thinking part of the soul, can one attain
these powers in perpetuity. The first exercise is to
free the mind of the materialist-mindset; to go from
the to-have mode to the to-be mode. This will lead to
an evolution of the mind to a new state of awareness
that will allow one to permanently transcend the world
of the materialist-mindset. Of course this phenomenon
has to be suppressed by the elites/king/agents, who need us
to to play our roles so that they can get the gold
they want so they can, at the right time, sit at the
side of "him" when "he" returns from sowing the seeds
of materialism throughout the universe.
But the problem is he may be dead. Something may have
gone awry when he was creating one of his suns or
something. He was, after all, very mortal.
Anyway, these satanic Masons basically own NASA and
are planning on replacing him as master of universe of
the materialist-mindset. In their first exercise as
lord they are planning to create a sun out of Saturn.
But they are running out of time because, due to
impending full-disclosure of the truth of several historical
events, including 9/11, mankind in general is heigtening his march
towards transcendence.
There you go. My argument suggests that things we've
been attributing to "God" have really been carried out
by an entity that is essentially, and I know the
moniker is worn, Satan. And that one or a couple of
"his" agents with the backing of the Masonic hordes is
about to step up and take "his" place.
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