Look, guys, it's really fairly simple. Sartre has said it. Ghandi said it. You have to model the morality you hope to see others adopt. You have to be the change you hope to see in others. You are doing this whether you will admit it or not. Your every action betrays your moral system and your beliefs. If you think that violence is a means to an end, in any situation, and if you prepare for this and through your actions you reveal your belief in violence as an answer, you should expect nothing less than others to mirror you and your moral structure, your belief system.
Violence is cyclical. A man with a machine gun desires power and promises to represent the will of the people and to enact an equitable system once he gets there. He slaughters his way to the top. There he finds out that no matter what decision he makes, others are going to desire his demise. By embodying the morality of a system that suggests a reality in which one has power over another, governs over another and is thus superior, he perpetuates a system that begats nonstop power-struggles. The lesson he learned is that a machine gun is a means to an end; so he simply takes the place of the tyrant he deposed and uses the means of governing that tyrant used, namely violence. It's a cycle. That cycle contributes to a larger system that has gotten us where we are.
I want to suggest something to you, a message of tolerance.
What your posts say to me is that you think there are bad people out there. People that you need to protect yourself from. I say that if a person appears or seems to be bad it is because he or she was subjected to a corrupt system. That there is no good or bad people, only good or bad systems and that the criminal you fear was turned into a criminal by being forced to exist in a horrendous system, a horrendous man-made world. That goes for Dick Cheney too. Dick is no less a victim of the system than the methhead who machine-gunned his rival in a street shootout that killed three innocent bystanders. Both have to be forgiven. If you cannot forgive either, then no real change in the human condition will be enacted. In fact, quite the opposite will occur, the perpetuation of the system that got us where we are.
We are all brothers. That is the truth. The prisons and graveyards are filled with your brothers who are there not because they are inferior to you or somehow innately bad but because the system wrecks people, turns brothers into enemies and destroys the unity of mankind, which in my opinion is undeniable and was basically proven a half century ago via Einsteins unified field theory.
My message comes full circle when I say that if you want to fix the system you have to embody a morality that differs from the one we embody to rationalize participating in the current system.
I'll close by quoting scripture. Jesus said give unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Caesar's world is the world of the materialist-mindset. It's subjects exist in the to-have mode instead of the to-be mode. Jesus's message was not one of subserviance but of recognition of the reality that the money in your pocket is not yours but of the king of the world of the materialist-mindset, Caesar. To translate this metaphor more extensively, I would suggest that the king of the world of the materialist-mindset, while at the time in the form of Caesar, was really, metaphorically speaking and using a worn moniker, Satan in one of his many forms. Now fast forward to the present day.
I say give unto Caesar what is his. Disavow any importance placed on material posessions. Disavow money. And disavow weapons, the symbols of violence, the means of perpetuating a corrupt system that makes enemies of brothers. I say lay down your arms. Lay down your weapons.
Do not fear physical pain because pain is a mechanism of the material body, which contains us but is also only a temporary vessel. The pain will one day end and you will be free. When you believe this, when you know it, your behavior will reflect it and so will your actions. And you will understand that "thou shall not kill."
These are end times; but they are the end times for the world of the materialist-mindset. We are moving from the to-have mode to the to-be mode. It will be physically painful at times but it will result in millions of us achieving transcendance. Remember, to get there "all you need is love." Join me. Join us. And be.
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