Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Lucifer Project and evolution, pt. 1

Many conspiracy theory researchers now seem to feel that mankind as a whole is on the verge of something big and for good reason. Certainly we are building towards some sort of a climax and up until recently the question of when and what form that climax will take was the subject of no small amount of debate.

An article entitled "The Lucifer Project" and describing what possibly could be NASA's final plans for Cassini offers an answer. If it checks out, then mankind has until June of 2008 to take control of his fate. At that point he will have his fate decided for him by a handful of illuminated elites who are likely agents for the unworldly colonizers that basically created the human species.

Backing into the article, let's look at some of the signs of the times.

First and foremost we should consider Peak Oil. Because the hydrocarbons from petrochemicals derived from oil are crucial for making insecticides, fertilizer and plastic, Peak Oil is a food issue before it is an energy or transportation issue. It is a fact that global oil production peaked likely in 2005 and 2006, with the death of Ghawar, Saudi Arabia's largest oil field. In terms of oil supplies, we are now descending a precipice and the slope of that precipice is being kept hidden from us to keep markets and economies afloat.

One thing Peak Oil means is that economic planning based on the concept of endless growth and endless consumption is fatally flawed. In fact suffice it to say that our way of life, as consumers in a centrally-commanded and protected economy, is in jeopardy. Beyond this, as mentioned, is the food issue. No oil means no insecticide and fertilizer, means no factory farms, means a dramatic drop in food supplies necessary to merely sustain the billions of us on this planet.

Next it is apparent to those who are awake that we are nearing full-disclosure on the extent of government research of and contact with what we call "aliens." In March, as the American Chronicle points out, two steps were taken in this direction that were noteworthy, to say the least. First, the "French national space agency, CNES, placed 1600 previously classified UFO sighting reports into the public domain on the Internet," the Chronicle reported on April 4. The CNES site is astounding and includes thousands of eyewitness accounts, photographs and movies in hundreds of thousands of Web pages that reveal one government's clearly intense interest in understanding UFOs. Second, "Former Arizona governor, Fife Symington, revealed in an interview with journalist and investigative director for the Coalition for Freedom of Information, Leslie Kean, he had see a massive black triangular fly overhead early in the evening of March 17, 1997 - the first Phoenix Lights event," the Chronicle reported.

Roughly this time last year "the Paradigm Clock, which tracks proximity to a formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race, was reset to 11:59:45 - 15 seconds to midnight." Now one might presume we are in the final countdown to midnight. Let's count together, five, four, three, ready? Are you ready? Think about it.

A military and government crisis in America has UFO researchers on the edge of their seats, expecting full-disclosure any day now. Reports the Chronicle, "One of the circumstances referred to was and remains an unprecedented breach between the military and intelligence communities and the Executive Branch. As a consequence of this breach PRG believed that should a disclosure effort emerge from within the military/intelligence sector and the Executive moved to block, it is more likely that blocking move would be rebuffed. On the other hand an increasingly isolated Executive facing a cascade of allegations and investigations and lacking support from the military/intelligence sector might see Disclosure as a means to "change the subject" on a global scale. Thus a window for Disclosure was created, and one year later that window remains open."

The thrill ride took yet another tight turn when this month's edition of the Rolling Stone carried an article featuring the deathbed confession of Howard Hunt. Hunt says the CIA killed Kennedy. LBJ ordered the assassination. The FBI and the military were complicit in both the murder and the cover-up. Hunt names gunmen and his account corroborates the findings and beliefs of conspiracy theorists who have left no stone unturned in uncovering the truth about what happened on Nov. 22, 1963. There is no statute of limitations on murder and with this confession certainly it becomes possible that current members of our government stand to be arrested, questioned and tried for one of the greatest crimes of last century.

On TV, Rosie O'Donnell has been preaching to her some 20 million viewers about the Sept. 11, 2001, controlled demolition of World Trade Center Building Seven, a 47-storie steel-framed skyscraper that was essentially a bunker for the CIA, the FBI, DoD, the Secret Services and other government agencies. O'Donnell has proclaimed herself to be a Truther to the end and the rumor is that she has prominent friends, celebrities and such, who are gearing up to go on the record in support of the Truth Movement and its findings. Again, knowing the way saturation coverage spreads and knowing the extent of the hoax that was 9/11, it is only a matter of time until O'Donnell's zeal spreads on a massive scale. "People are starved for the truth," one researcher declared on a Truth Movement message board. Indeed. But it should be noted that 9/11 Truth, as I have stated before, has the potential to divide this country in half the way a meat cleaver divides a leg of lamb.

Posing as yet another horseman, radical global climate change is now fully accepted, though the causes remain heavily debated. Previous such changes have led to mass-extinctions and cataclysmic weather events. No need to elaborate on this here. It is receiving its share of play in the media worldwide.

Finally, it would seem that war in Iraq is destined to spread throughout Asia and Africa. This while the world has the nukes to blow itself up some sixty times over and while with each passing day Russia's rhetoric towards America becomes more and more hostile. This in the face of massive popular disapproval of America's occupation of Iraq and war in general. No doubt when America invaded Iraq some 90 percent of the world's population was opposed to the action.

Many conspiracy theory researchers see these developments as indicative of some sort of impending climax, humanity's grand finale, if you will.

The form that grand finale may take may be revealed in the aforementioned article on the Lucifer Project.

To summarize, what has happened is a group of illuminated elites basically own NASA and plan to crash land Cassini into Saturn in June of 2008 in an attempt to turn that planet into a star that will support life on Titan, a moon that is similar in many ways to Earth. Cassini carries roughly 200 plutonium fuel cells that essentially make it a 600 kiloton nuclear bomb. Saturn is mostly gaseous. Roughly four weeks after Saturn collapses and becomes a star, ejecta will rain down on Earth, destroying her ozone. Humans "in the know" will be moved to underground bases beforehand and will survive. Later they will emerge and set about to rebuilding on Earth to the extent that that is possible. In the meantime Titan will be nurtured along, so the human species can relocate there. This, Earth's baptism by fire, will fulfill all sorts of prophecies and plans. It likely will represent the end of the materialist mindset because maintaining such a mindset will be unrealistic in the environments to be found here and on Titan after the Baptism. In other words, the human species, starting in June of next year, is likely to be forced to evolve on a psychic and spiritual level. Being that our evolution thus far has been greatly manipulated by either "aliens" or their Earthbound agents, this will simply be another movement in a trajectory that was established when Earth was a lifeless rock.

In my next post, I will talk about certain parts of the article on the Lucifer Project and why some of its assertions make sense.

Until then, it is highly pertinent that we determine the veracity of much of the information contained in the article. If it is to be trusted, then we only have roughly a year left. That is if we want to determine the course of our own evolution instead of having it forced upon us.

--George Hayduke

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