Because the third and fourth quarters are when laundered drug money moves through the markets and Wall Street, overall stability in the form of predictable economic decline, will be the norm. After the holidays, things will get shaky.
At that point the war for your mind will reach new heights. The overall transfer of wealth to the moneyed elites will move from targeting the already exhausted poor and working classes to the employing classes and they aren’t likely to take it so well. Ergo expect to see a massive campaign to convince you to blame the victim, to convince you that we don’t need certain rights because they only end up abused by terrorist sympathizers, and to convince you that authoritarian rule is the only way to ensure social and economic stability. Of course this is only true if you personally decide it is true, if you cave to and embrace their world-views.
Ultimately for the moneyed elites to prevail in their mind war they will have to silence the voice of the voiceless, now thriving on the internet, which really has become a stumbling block for the globalists. Because of the internet not only is underground news media thriving, but everybody is now removed or separated from everybody else in the world by, at most, three or four degrees. Used to be seven degrees of separation between you and, say, a starving mother in Iraq. Now, thanks in part to the internet, you could well have chatted anonymously online with the man who dropped the bomb on the house she was sleeping in with her kids.
As you can see, those seeking a New World Order wherein the world is a corporate fiefdom run by a handful of ruthless nobles and world bankers are facing a momentous challenge. When the internet is put to its purest function absolute democracy will be possible, truth will thrive in the marketplace of ideas, and equality will become the norm. With a little luck and some work, the internet could invoke a one world government system of the people, by the people and for the people. Certainly this is a nightmare for those who’ve benefited from systems designed to spur inequality and strife.
Expect them to react with overkill in an attempt to secure undeniable victory in the mind war.