I now put the odds of another 911-style false-flag psy op carried out by criminal elements within the secret society complex ruling the world and running the Amerikan gubbermint via the Bilderbergers and the Council on Foreign Relations at one in six.

Starting Friday the game of Russian roulette begins. Before we squeeze that trigger let's connect some more dots.
Labor Day, 09/03/07, will be the first bank holiday since Bear Stearnes abandoned it's Earthly body and joined the afterlife. That will be a day when American banks are closed and will be forced to watch from the sidelines as the workings of world markets play out.
Perhaps in preparation for this day, the Fed will be meeting tomorrow morning in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, home of some Continuity of Governance underground bunker complexes. The Fed is scheduled to meet again the following Tuesday, in the aftermath of whatever happens after they do what they do and say what they say on Friday. This comes at the end of a week where the DOW thus far has had a 500 point swing and is still down 100 points since Monday.
To sum, the Fed will meet Fri. in the neighborhood of a super-secret COG bunker complex and whatever comes out of that meeting will play out on world markets Sunday night and Monday, when Amerikan banks are closed.So what is going to happen? Perhaps Bernanke will on Fri. cave to domestic financial alchemists and hint at a rate cut. Sunday night, which is Monday in the East, China will dump its dollars. We'll awake Monday to news that our economy is now dead. After that, who knows? Maybe the junta will enact some sort of crazed and blatant false-flag "terror" event that will spur an exchange of nukes on a global scale and within hours we'll be living out the Mad Max movie series.
Right now I put the odds of something similar to this coming to fruition at one in six.
As an afterthought I received an email from a writer for the Online Journal and Global Research known as Mike Whitney, whose prophetic essays have rung true time and again over the course of the last year, saying that he's fine and indeed predicting similar events in the immediate future. Concern for that prolific writer's well-being arose when weeks passed without him publishing anything.