Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sitchin on the Nefilim, their gold, and our hollow Earth

In chapter 12 of his book “The 12th Planet,” book one in a six-book series, Zecharia Sitchin, a translator of Sumerian texts found in present-day Iraq, spills the beans on the reason why the Nefilim are here, where they set up camp when they got here, and why and how they created humans.

The Nefilim are god-like “aliens” from a planet in our solar system with an orbit that spans 3,600 Earth years and will return next in 2065, wreaking havoc on Earth. According to Sitchin the Nefilim came here strictly for the royal metals, mostly gold and silver. They ran a central base on a mother ship orbiting Earth and set up residence in Sumer and inside the Earth in a realm they called “lower Earth.” Lazy and greedy as they were, they created humans to mine gold for them. Humans were created in a genetics laboratory in lower-Earth and were later brought to Sumer and upper Earth after a spat between a couple of the Nefilim head hanchos.

Let’s start at the beginning.

The Nefilim, according to Sitchin in the chapter entitled “The Creation of Man” (p. 336-361), first touched down on Earth 450,000 years ago, when homo erectus walked the Earth. There were three Nefilim bigwigs, Anu, Enki and Enlil. Anu was the executive in charge of the mother ship in orbit around Earth. Enlil was the executive in charge of Sumer, the capital of upper-Earth. And Enki was the executive in charge of lower-Earth, a subterranean realm in the hollows of Earth that was highly inhabitable and even described as being something of a paradise. Note that these cats are called executives because they most definitely weren’t workers. They were bosses. Others worked for them.

The tablets found in various digs in Iraq are of course Enlil-centered. So unfortunately we know little of lower-Earth. We do know that initially to get there one had to take a submarine. After Enki’s kingdom in lower-Earth was established in an area of flowing rivers and lush vegetation, openings to the outside world were located on various mountainsides in south Africa, near the Zambezi basin. In these mountains, to get to Enki’s kingdom one had to enter a cave and follow it to a gate of stone that was described as impenetrable. The goddess on whom the legend of Venus was based once traveled to this kingdom in search of her lover, Enki’s son, and threatened to collapse the cave around the entrance if she wasn’t granted access.

The lower-Earth empire was apparently quite deep in the Earth and was somehow lit and one might expect it to be described exactly as Tolkien described middle-Earth, a lush, subtropical expanse lit by a gentle pervasive light, strong enough for photosynthesis. Initially, the Nefilim had trouble establishing a domineering presence there, it might be assumed, because Sitchin describes lower-Earth as a place where Nefilim “gods” were banished up until it became a place where they yearned to go.

The Nefilim genetics lab was based in Enki’s lower-Earth empire. After a mutiny of the lesser-Nefilim, who were tasked primarily with working the gold mines, a slave race was desired. Eventually it was determined that that race would be an offshoot of homo erectus, of Neanderthal, who was the result of Earth's natural evolutionary process and was something of a pest to the Nefilim hunters. Neanderthal was buds with the animals and often went behind the Nefilim hunters, disassembling their spring, snare and leg hold traps, filling in their pit traps and freeing the animals who had been caught in them. Neanderthal was a vegetarian and wasn’t hip on the Nefilim eathing his animal pals.

So the Nefilim captured a couple Neanderthals and took them to lower-Earth, where the genetics experiment began. Apparently, according to Jim Marrs, some 64 protoypes of humans were created before the Nefilim arrived at homo sapien. The Nefilim created out of Neanderthal and various animal DNA centaurs, dwarves, winged men (angels), sphinxes, yeti and who knows what else until they gave it up and went with homo sapien. Cattle DNA was likely used, being that we share so many genes with that species.

Mankind was kept in lower-Earth and in the mines until Enlil, wanting some slaves, created a giant drill, dug a tunnel to lower Earth and brought back some humans to work his garden of Eden while he strolled in the breeze and relaxed.

The Nefilim, according to Sitchin, were here for one purpose: to gather gold.

“Gold, silver, and copper are all native elements of the gold group. They fall into the same family in the periodic classification by atomic weight and number; they have similar crystallographic, chemical and physical properties. All are soft, malleable, and ductile. Of all known elements, these are the best conductors of heat and electricity,” Sitchin writes. “Of the three, gold is the most durable, virtually indestructible. Though best known for its use as money and in jewelry or fine artifacts, it is almost invaluable in the electronics industry. A sophisticated society requires gold for microelectronic assemblies, guidance circuitry, and computer ‘brains.” (p. 325)

Sitchen goes on, “Gold, which we will call the royal metal, was in fact the metal of the gods. Speaking to the prophet Haggai, the lord made it clear, in connection with his return to judge the nations: ‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine.’ … The Nefilim, it appears came to Earth for gold and its related metals.” (p. 326)

Of all the concepts discussed here, perhaps newest to yours truly is that of hollow-Earth. As an introduction to the concept, watch the following movies, starting with one on and by a man planning on actually doing something about the information he’s gathered backing hollow-Earth theory, Dr. Brooks Agnew, free thinker and writer. Agnew is planning a trip to the North Pole to locate and record the discovery of the entrance to lower- or middle-Earth. Purchasing the DVD from which the footage was taken will help him finance this expedition, on which yours truly hopes to be! The short movies that follow supplement the information he presents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good idea - dig more at North Pole. How about magnetic pole shift? Is this entrance shifting too?