Sunday, May 6, 2007

End days for some mean a new beginning for others, hopefully

There is no small amount of talk amongst free-thinkers that the end of the world, as predicted by various prophets, the Mayan “gods” included, may be at hand. For example, the Mayan calendar is set to end in 2012.

Meanwhile other prophets, such as the seer Edgar Cayce, have claimed that while we are due some cataclysmic events, mankind will in fact prevail and said events will serve to bump him up to the next spiritual and psychic plane. An era of peace, harmony and understanding will follow. Cayce, who died in 1945, has nailed many things and readers should note that perhaps his most currently applicable vision might be the one where he called for an economic collapse in 2007.

About the impending era of peace and harmony much has also been said by Truth Movement leader Barry Zwicker who espouses assertively in his outstanding book, “Towers of Deception,” that the Truth Movement, if it succeeds, could well usher in “an era of peace that will not end in our lifetime.” That is how potent and deep 9/11 Truth is, without a doubt. And since this is the case then maybe the TM will in fact be one of the several impetuses for mankind’s impending evolutionary step. This would mean that Cayce’s prophecy includes de facto the success of the TM!

My current research is pushing me to believe that what is at hand is indeed the end of the era of materialism, as it was set in motion by the “alien” “gods” that colonized the surface of Earth starting roughly 450,000 years ago, according to Sitchin. These “aliens” came here from a planet in our solar system that isn’t due back to this side of Mars until 2065 and they are referred to in Sitchin’s “Earth Chronicles” as the Nefilim, so that is how they will henceforth be referred to in this post.

Let’s review some imperatives for this theory to hold water.

First, the Nefilim came here for our resources, but namely our gold. They were reptilian shape shifters and had a strict top-down command structure. Because they coveted gold, they were materialists and in landing here and setting up camp they spread materialism from their world to ours, which was at the time inhabited by our Earthly predecessors, who had descended from apes. At the bottom of their command structure were lesser Nefilim, who were astronauts and skilled but not empowered. They mutinied and the greater Nefilim set about creating a slave race to mine gold for them, humans.

Secondly, the human race was created mentally handicapped. The Nefilim tampered with our evolutionary predecessors’ DNA, adding some of their own DNA one must suppose, to create humans. When they genetically engineered us, they closed off certain parts of our mind, to put a broad concept simply. Free-thinker Roy Sinister has pointed out to me in a couple of emails that this could have been easily accomplished by creating a small cavity into which the cerebral cortex was imprisoned. Or in other words by giving us a small and relatively thick skull, they ensured that our spiritual development would be greatly impeded. It has also been suggested that by tampering with the pineal gland, they basically boxed in man’s mind and soul.

Man was programmed to be cattle and that’s what we’ve been more or less since the dawn of the latest era of civilization, which it would appear goes back at least to 3000 B.C. This is to say that mankind and civilization has existed in various forms and has been wiped out a few times before the beginning of this most recent era.

Third, gold has “paranormal” qualities. Monatomic gold powder, when imbibed by someone with the right knowledge, enables space, time and extra-dimensional travel and longevity. It enables weightlessness. It also will not oxidize and break down over time, for the most part the only earthly metal with such properties. And it is an excellent conduit of electricity and heat. It is light and malleable and maintains its composition in extreme conditions. For these latter reasons and others it is an oft-used metal by the space program. For the former reasons, the Nifilm wanted a race of slaves to acquire endless amounts of gold so they could attain godliness without doing the work. And this is the clincher, because a being, through the proper use of his or her mind, can indeed attain something similar to godliness and extra-dimensional, space and time travel. But this takes work, lots of it. For the lazy, there’s gold.

Fourth, society was created to perpetuate the materialistic-mindset, the to-have (as opposed to the to-be) mindset, to ensure the perpetual accumulation and hording of gold by the Nefilim and their human agents, who at first were kings and pharaohs and who now are the illuminated elites heading the world’s preeminent secret societies. All economic systems based on materialism, all wars, all major historical events have been about gold, ensuring that it changes hands and goes to this or that king, this or that elite. The Nefilim were as horrible and petty to each other as they were to their human livestock. There was never a team effort with the humans on one side and the Nefilim on the other. Instead it was the Nefilim, lazy and greedy as they were, each pitting their own personal stash of human slave armies against that of their enemies.

A picture should now start to emerge. As it does, consider this, the Nefilim were bearded and wore horned helmets. Sitchin’s book is replete with pictures taken from tablets from ancient Sumer and in those pictures the Nefilim are always horned and bearded. In those pictures they had slitted, reptilian pupils. And they were incestuous. To set the record straight, these “gods” created a world of the materialistic-mindset, a world of war, strife and inequity. They looked like devils and behaved like devils. Shall we call this world, the land of the devils, what it is or should we pretend that it is something else.

This brings me to my point. Remember that in the Mayan and ancient Egyptian cultures mankind was forced to make human sacrifices to these “gods.” These human sacrifice ceremonies continue today in places like Bohemian Grove and if the movie “The Brandon Corey Story” is in any way an accurate depiction of one of these sacrifices then we can conclude that these horned, incestuous gods ate the people who were sacrificed to them.

Dealing in hypothetics, one might imagine that at one such human sacrifice, say a Mayan human sacrifice at one of their pyramids, one Nefilim looks to another standing next to him and says something to the effect of, “Did you see how that idiot human just offered up his virgin daughter for us to tear apart and eat? It’s too good to be true! How long do you think this will last?”

“Hmmm,” says the other Nefilim, wiping some human blood from his chin. “Let’s see here. We’re going to keep the humans stuck in materialist-mode so that they keep the gold coming for as long as possible. Problem is, the Earth is a globe. It’s a closed system. You know eventually, they’re going to run out of raw materials. How can you have materialism without valuable materials? I’d say that about that time the glory days will come to a close.”

The former Nefilim nods. “Yeah, there’s that and the fact of, as you know, how some of them have had near-death experiences and that opened their third eye. As they grow in number, more and more will, through near-death experiences, open their third eyes and tell others about it. Since each is a conduit of a collective conscience, we can expect that if enough of them open their third eye and work with others to do the same then as a group eventually, after enough time and with the right catalyzing events, near-death experience-causing events, as a group they'll transcend to the next spiritual plane. Then the gig will be up.”

“This is true,” his partner says, licking his fingers. “Let’s run some variables through our computer back at the base and figure this out.”

Later at the base the Nefilim learn that at around 2012, for various reasons, the era of the materialist-mindset will close and a new era, one where man is freer than he was before, will begin. Since the Nefilim mostly hate their livestock this will be the end of the world for them. And thus the prophecy is born.

What I am proposing is that through Peak Oil, which is a food issue and which alone is enough to end the era of the materialistic-mindset, and through cataclysmic weather events due to sunstorms, the shifting of the poles, the global warming that both will spur, and various other astronomical phenomena, namely the destruction wrought on Earth after the Nefilim crash Cassini into Saturn, blowing up the latter and turning it into a star, mankind en mass will have the near death experience necessary to open it’s third eye. In other words, what’s about to happen due to the environment and Peak Oil is going to kill the majority of us. Those that survive will hopefully have opened their third eye, being that is what sometime happens to humans who’ve had near-death experiences, because afterwards there will be no way for systems based on the materialistic-mindset to be reinstalled. We simply won't have the resources or the environment to return to that way of life.

Certainly these are latter days and time is running out. But it is the end only to those who in this lifetime have, through their decisions, killed their souls. It is the end for those who have benefited from the era of the materialist-mindset, the to-have mindset. For the rest of us, those seeking to live in the to-be mode, in the spiritualist-mindset, it is the beginning.

--George Hayduke

1 comment:

Truth From Here said...

Well, reptilian works as a description of those who view premature human death as a positive. And certainly wars created by the powerful are the ultimate form of human sacrifice. But it all does seem to distill down to yang/yin. We will battle this evil, in one form or another, through eternity. My anger is now merely a clear blue flame. I know, when my time comes, I have friends waiting for me. I wish for no battle here on earth, where I am im my weakened (human) condition, but if that is what is to be, then I fight here. Win or lose, I do not go gently.