Correction: I'll start off this week with a correction, the third in the last month or so. Sitchin holds that the Anunnaki came here 450,000 years ago to set up a gold-mining operation. Roughly 300,000 years ago the rank and file Anunnaki rebelled and mankind was created as a slave species to do the real work. Let's just say that this latter number I have had wrong in numerous posts and today I get to do the mundane task of perusing the 20 or so posts I have thus far made on this blog and fix my numbers.
The phenomena of the "Dragonfly Drones"

Debate is heating up over the photographs and tales surrounding the dragonfly drones that have been spotted in a couple of locations out West on separate dates. So far the most reputed eyewitness, who wants to remain anonymous, is a Maxwell Airforce Base military professional. And the most reputed whistleblower is a guy who worked for a DoD subcontractor who was tasked with back-engineering this clearly alien technology for some commercial application. The drone reportedly and allegedly is for surveillance and for beaming out holographic 3-D images. The 911T NBBT/NPT researchers should swarm this if we can get a break, such as folks dropping the mask of anonymity and tying their names and reputations to their tales of what they've seen, done and know.
Thus far I'm mostly digging on's coverage of the development of this phenomena as it unfolds. Meanwhile, I've been haunting a couple of message boards, discussing this. I'll copy and paste my points here.
A thread on The Open Minds Forum will likely end up with hundreds of pages. On page 68, I laid out my basic views on the alleged whistleblower. They are as follows.
[SNIP, SNIP, PASTE] The explanation I've read (on comes from a guy who supposedly worked for a DoD subcontractor. Dude says he and his cohorts were developing the technology for the private or commercial sect. He says nothing about what the craft(s) are for; just that the can blink back and forth from the visible to the invisible at the flip of a switch. The explanation reads more like a biography than a description of the craft and whatnot.
So here's the deal. It seems like it's a bio written to gain our trust, not to really inform us or to give us data on the craft(s) that we can then research and analyze.
He's also the first whistleblower on this subject, meaning he could be damage control thrust forward to preempt a real whistleblower.
Let's check his account.
Apparently he worked in technology central and where he worked looked like a normal biz but instead had an entire underground complex. Now the time frame he describes sets his tale at about the same time that Lazar was in and out of Dreamland. Note how much more security there was in Lazar's account. His was complete with busses and unmarked planes moving people from society to secret facilities. This guy, well apparently you could see the facility from the street; it was in a buisiness or industrial setting; the neighbors simply didn't know that it was a DoD subcontracted operation; and he makes it sound like anyone could walk off the street, into the facility and not know what they were really seeing.
Does this dovetail with other secret weapons development projects personnel's accounts?
He gives a lot of details as to how he smuggled the papers and such out. Again, here we go with the "gaining our trust with a bulletproof story" gig. Maybe it's legit. Seems to me that a high-tech place where they are reverse engineering "alien" technology would be protected with security cameras watching one's every move. But apparently not at this place.
Most bothersome to me is there is absolutely no insight into what this thing does. Is it a directed-energy weapon, that hovers over a target and then shoots down? Is it a weather modification drone? Is it surveillance? It could be anything and our whistleblower says nada. Why? Either his handlers have yet to tell him what to tell us or it's been operational and its effects have been felt recently (flooding in Texas? Directed energy beam destruction of WTC on 911?) and he doesn't want to cause a scare that will target the gubbermint and bring real heat on his ass. Whatever the case may be what it does is the caramel nugget of his tale and he's burying that deep.
Other issues include how he swears up and down the "aliens" who gave us this technology are our buddies, sure to let us evolve like other higher beings let them evolve. This part of his tale bothers me most. Who the fuck is he to say this? He openly admits that his job was compartmentalized and he doesn't know the big picture. Then he closes with a verse from Kumbayah. If the scenario pans out where he's a cardboard cutout propped up to preempt real whistleblowing in the face of multiple photographs in varying locations of the same drone, then we should consider the possibility that the exact opposite of half of what he says must be true, meaning that the drones seen in the photographs the DoD has no control over, doesn't know where they came from, and might indeed be a manifestation of a species of being that will prove to be hostile to the DoD (not to be confused with the gubbermint, or, sigh, the American sheople). [/SNIP, SNIP, PASTE]
Afterwards, expanded their coverage and the alleged use of the technology was forwarded. I addressed this on the Loose Change Message Boards.
[SNIP, SNIP, PASTE]Earthfiles is reporting: "Isaac’s email and documents imply that this particular extraterrestrial technology was part of an American government effort to back-engineer, through civilian scientists, and apply commercially at the CARET Laboratory in Palo Alto. That E. T. technology allegedly can control gravity and project 3-dimensional images that apparently would look real to us humans, but are something akin to what we know as holographic images. The document also implies that the projected image technology can record.
Those symbols have been studied intensely and led to the discovery of possible links between the “dragonfly drone” tail symbols and NASA’s Clementine I lunar photography and mapping mission in 1994."
At this point apparently three theories on the drones are being advanced.
1) The photos are part of an advertising campaign for an impending movie, such as Transformers, or video game. But if this is the case, why the whistleblower? He definitely doesn't fit in with this sort of scheme.
2) The photos are of an aerial drone that is reverse-engineered "alien" technology. The reverse-engineering of the drone was a DoD contracted project allegedly for commercial purposes. The drone conducts surveillance and projects 3-D holograms. But if this is the case and since the phenomena of the sightings appears to be growing, then why the anonymity of the eyewitnesses and the one whistleblower? With as much corroboration as is now out there, why not approach this as if it were happening as it is happening, wide open for everyone to see and, at times, photograph?
3) This is all an elaborate hoax. But if so, is a fake account being created and furthered by some sort of prankster, a misunderstood comedian, with a bunch of time on his hands and some photoshop skills. Or is this all a disinformation package being built and furthered by the gubbermint for some reason, perhaps to discredit UFOlogists as we near "full disclosure"?
Having perused the documents on our whistleblower, I've arrived at three possible theories as to who and what he is.
1) He's a bullshit artist having a laugh on me.
2) He's a cardboard cutout here to muddy the water and prevent legit gubbermint workers who might really know something about this from coming forward.
3) He's legit and is in love with himself.[/SNIP, SNIP, PASTE]
All this aside, two recent developments in the news merit mentioning.
Some sort of spectacular terrorist attack appears imminent, according to Alex Jones's Prison Planet. Certainly the conditions are right. The president's approval rating is at an all-time low. Fewer people are willingly enlisting in the military, which is now largely a house divided. The economy is crashing. And all of this, paired with 911T and the Peace Movement swells and swirls to create an undeniable crisis of faith in government, which in a civilized and highly advanced society would normally lead to a rebirth in democratization. Here in the states it will probably lead to the government bombing its own people and blaming its enemies as a pretext to breathe life into the already established skeletal structure of open martial law, thus enabling the completion of the rise of the fascist authoritarian system, complete with a master class and a slave class.
Adding to the eeriness of everything and perhaps the need of the government to shut down the Web and kill or imprison all dissidents, the signed affidavit of the military's public relations officer who handled the Roswell crash has now hit the fan. In that affidavit, the officer says that an alien saucer crashed in Roswell in 1947, the military concocted a false cover story and has actively pushed that false story on the public since.
This confession is like the Howard Hunt confession. It more than anything makes apparent the falsity of the gubbermint's account of events.
Read and archive the article before it is taken down.
Believe me I don't think I am making an overstatement when I now say that time is of the essence. Constitutional patriots, advocates of truth and democracy and peaceniks now need to crash the gates in this information war. What you do today could determine more than you could ever imagine what the shadow government does tomorrow and how the people react.