Saturday, March 24, 2007

France is blackmailing our shadow government

The wait continues.

Of course there's nothing suspicious about France's apparent inability to, in the course of two days, find a server that can handle heavy traffic to file 50 years worth of secret government UFO research files, supposedly including photos and movies. (Washington Post Article, Overwhelmed official French government UFO site)

Speaking of secrecy, we're approaching a noteworthy mile marker here in the land of the consumer and the home of the employee. Three major things happened in quick succession almost exactly 60 years ago.

It all began with a documented UFO siting in Washington state. A fisherman, who turns out was working for a man who would go on to be a CIA agent who Jim Garrison determined was connected to the JFK assassination conspiracy, saw and photographed a couple of UFOs as they swooped over his boat. One blew up and he gnabbed some of the debris, which was later taken from him by military intelligence personnel who would mysteriously die in a plane crash with the wreckage aboard days later. The photos were confiscated by a man in black and that was mostly the end of it, except, of course, for the frenzy of professional skeptics who henceforth worked rigorously to muddy the water on this incident.

Incident number two was the UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico. Scores of people witnessed the crash, the aftermath and the subsequent cover-up. Many of these people were either in law enforcement or in the military. Most were threatened into silence and the alien ship and its occupants, described as small men with big heads and eyes, leathery, reptilian skin, and otherwise were physiologically like insects of this world, were spirited away to somewhere likely under tight control by the military.

Likely as a result of these two incidents, we have our third supremely noteworthy event of 1947: The passage of legislation that created the secret agencies of the security state. To clarify, in 1947 we had two incredibly close encounters with beings from another world. The government confiscated everything having anything to do with these events, silenced eyewitnesses and then created the CIA, NSA and other secret organizations that could do whatever they wanted without public disclosure or government oversight. Henceforth, any serious historian has had to dig to find the dried droppings of these secretive organizations and agencies and try to reconstitute those droppings to arrive at any sort of coherent picture that conveys the reality of the machinations of true power and the reality of the human condition.

Since then, international and domestic politics, or the distribution of power and resources, more than ever before, has been defined by espionage, clandestine and black ops. This reality has been glossed over by a shiny thick veneer created by the corporate media, which gives us partisan politics and Disney History.

Finally it appears these machinations of power are backfiring and breaking down, thanks likely to Peak Oil.

Many major players within the heights of government have rattled off extensively about what Peak Oil will bring us. They say things like to contend with Peak Oil, which happened in 2005 when Saudi Arabia's Ghawar gave up the ghost, the true power brokers of the planet, the illuminated world bankers at the Fed and elsewhere, will implode the economy. There is no other option.

Now it is no secret that your most basic factory farming necessities are petrochemical-based. Fertilizer, insecticide and basic irrigation infrastructure are all made from, amongst other things, petrochemicals. Have no doubt that with however-many-billion of us are out there to feed, large-scale farms are mandatory. And when those farms run out of insecticide, fertilizer and replacement parts for their irrigation systems, we're going to run out of food. Ergo, Peak Oil is a food issue as much as it is a transportation issue.

Knowing what Peak Oil meant, the U.S. played its sole card, military supremacy, and cornered the global oil market when it took Iraq. Thus, if the military can continue to hold Iraq, Americans, already mostly obese and amongst the dumbest of the Western world, will be the last to starve.

Therefore, for France and the rest of the world, Peak Oil is now also a justice issue.

Unfortunately, if you are France and you are trying to figure out how you are going to feed your population, you realize you only have so many cards you can play.

You can't play the war card. Nobody can stand up to the U.S. military, take it on head-on and defeat it. That's a fact.

You can't play the export-economics card because as soon as you do and knock, China will lay down its hand.

Nope, France, it would seem, has to play the only card it has, a card it has been keeping up its sleeve until the right moment, which is now, the immediate post-Peak Oil era.

A cursory review of recent history reveals that France has openly toyed with the idea of joining Hugo Chavez's international investigation into 9/11, which will likely reveal the truth, that 9/11 was an inside job. Apparently France, like so many countries, warned our benevolent protectors in D.C. about the supposed attacks long before they happened. What has yet to be exposed is the specificity of the warnings and the extent to which the French intelligence establishment was aware of what really happened on 9/11. Now, it is safe to say, the French elites are, in the least, in a position to blackmail the Anglo/American elites at the Fed and elsewhere with the truth about 9/11.

Turns out, they can also blackmail the U.S. government with the threat to release a half-century's worth of secret government UFO research.

That threat is pretty potent. To say the least, there is a reason why Wackenhut soldiers are authorized to use lethal force in keeping law-abiding Americans out of Area 51, where the military tests its new toys and from where untold scores of UFOs reportedly fly quite regularly.

Bob Lazar, a former physicist with Los Alamos National Labs who worked at "Dreamland," an extension of Area 51, has given us a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg with his tales of his work on the veritable fleet of alien space vessels in the possession of the military. Lazar has said that the military, through contact with certain aliens, was privy to insight into the fact that humans are the end result of a 16-phase genetic modification regime and that we are basically, in the translated terms of the aliens, "containers." One might presume that we are "containers" for what we call our souls. The aliens said they gave us religion to keep us from destroying our "containers." Unfortunately for professional skeptics Lazar passed a series of lie-detector tests and his credentials are legit.

And unfortunately for the U.S. government, France and other countries have the ability to breathe some life into the skeletons in the closets of our 60-year-old secret security and intelligence agencies. The question now becomes, what will the U.S. government pay to keep the doors to those closets hermetically sealed.

This is not to say that the French government hasn't been fully engaged in illegal clandestine ops over the last half century. History reveals that quite the opposite is true. But with Peak Oil waiting in the wings, perhaps the French elites have decided that they have little to lose and quite a bit to gain through ending governmental secrecy worldwide. The U.S. government on the other hand depends on secrecy to remain afloat.

So, while behind the scenes deals are made to keep the lid on the genie bottle, real historians must wait, and wait, and wait.

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