Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Re: Hypocricy Rules the West, by Paul Craig Roberts

This post is in response to this essay by Paul Craig Roberts:

Mr. Roberts,

I swear I never thought I would catch myself saying this to an upper level member of the Reagan administration, but, my brother, I salute you.

While your latest essay makes some tenable points about the state of the peacenik movement here, I would like to counter the overall tone. We are winning! The 911T Movement has prevented another domestic false flag psy op through mass dissemination of the Truth. The peace movement has limited the PNAC agenda to its disastrous plans for Iraq and Afghanistan. Remember, we aren’t in Iran just yet.

Take heart, with the economic shocks that await in the immediate future and with 80 percent of the 18- to 24-year-old demographic aware of the fact that the OGCT on 911 is bogus, you will soon have the energy and heads necessary for a revolution. So in my opinion it is wholly important that we offer solutions and not turn on ourselves for our shortcomings or petty differences.

The bottom line is that the elites dread the prospects of a global enlightened democracy, which nears reality with each advancement of the Internet. We no longer need representatives, senators or presidents. We can represent ourselves and vote for every issue, every day, online. That’s the future. Envision it. It’s a beautiful thing. And it’s the real reason for the Armageddon-invoking wars, the rise of the police state, and the lockdown on the information marketplace: The threat of democratization at a time of dramatically dwindling resources.

What nobody is saying is that the NWO is already in place. Governments are dead. We’re now ruled by a plutocratic oligarchy of corporations and investment banks. And that government is in decline. Up next is a one-world government system of rule of the people, by the people and for the people. This will be paralleled by the necessary evolutionary steps in spirituality and thus humanity. We’re on the doorstep, brother!

But we’ve got to rally now! I urge you to 1) declare yourself to be a soldier (a general) in an information war and to lay down fire on the real enemy henceforth. Strike at the jugular every time. No more blaming peaceniks for the failures of the peace movement when evidence mounts that every popular uprising in the last century has been fully infiltrated to its topmost operational tiers and steered along a trajectory that suits the elites. This is the case for every group from the Weather Underground, to AIM, to the Black Panther Party to, yes, al Queda. The peace movement will fail because it is being held down internally by intelligence agency moles. Declare as much in your writing! 2) Offer solutions. We have at our disposal more information than the kings of yore had when governing. We have space age technology that we use as toys or for entertainment. To sum, we have nothing more or nothing less than exactly what we need. We know what its going to take for the species to not only survive but to take that next step, pure enlightened democracy on a global scale.

That said, lead the way, brother. The righteous will follow and we bring not only the light, but the thunder that strikes fear in the hearts of the wretched and corrupt.

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